Lost for good ch.21

624 22 14

I met Michelle at the table as she gave me a look as I sat down

"What?" I said

" I was at the station earlier and Mateo was fiddling with the radios and turned TK's on we all heard what you said ...." She said sipping on her drink

I palmed my face pondering the things I said to him earlier

"Imagine the shit he's dealing with right now at work because of you ." I said

"I know I screwed up ." I said

"Damn right you did Carlos !" She said

"Tk got cheated on by Alex he knows what it feels like better then any of us for gods sake he tried to kill himself because of it and you go and ask him if he cheated on you ?." She said as the waiter walked away with our menus and orders

"I know and I shouldn't have asked him ."

"Why would you even think that tho ?" I said

"Because he's staying longer at his AA meeting and therapy ."

"Yeah Carlos he goes to AA and therapy if he stays a little longer that dosent mean he's hooking up with someone he is talking about stuff because he can't talk to you ." Michelle said as we got our food

"He can talk to me always he knows that he feels comfortable talking about his anxiety attacks with me ." I said

"No he doesn't Carlos have you noticed he doesn't talk to you about his stuff because he's trying to help you with your stuff and you turn around and be a dick to him ! that's why he's staying longer at his meetings because he needs to talk to someone but that isn't you because you don't give him the comfort to where he feels comfortable telling you stuff ." Michelle said which actually made me realize that she's right

"And the only reason you know about his anxiety is because his anxiety is really bad and he had a attack that he couldn't control in front of you if he didn't you wouldn't have known." She said

"He's dealing with a lot right now and I'm sure he would appreciate a supportive husband.." she said

" first you tell him you wanna take a break now you do this you better make this right Reyes or your gonna lose him for good this time .."

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