Gwen found it hilarious.

"You hold onto that laughter, cuz I am here all weekend, Baby!" Patricia wheeled the patient table in front of Gwen. "You know the routine. Sign here, doctor saves his butt. This one here, the clinic saves their butt. And finally this one here...I get a raise!"

Gwen laughed again.

"Works every time! I tell ya, I'd be a comedian if I didn't love my job!" Patricia winked at Gwen. "I will be by to spend lunch with you, Sunshine!"

"Really?" Gwen seemed surprised.

"Anyone who appreciates my humor as much as you gets lunch on me!" The nurse removed the table from the bed. "That and we are alone in the clinic!"

Gwen gave a wave to her nurse and laid back on her pillow. "She's a smartass! I love her!"

Uncle Bobby & the kids

After getting news Gwen's condition had improved, Bobby drove the kids to see her. He is two years older than his sister and has seen her go through every heartbreak. He and his wife would love to have children but it just has not worked out. So they play surrogate parents whenever called upon.

The stress of hearing their mother collapse made Austin and Chastity even more rebellious than before. The two fought much more often, not out of disagreements but from frustration. Harmony, the youngest, fell deeper into her princess fantasy world. Watching all the classic princess movies non-stop.

Dressed in her favorite pink Disney princess dress and a matching wand Harmony peaked into Gwen's room to see her mother asleep. She turned and placed her index finger over her mouth. "Shhhhh!" The sound woke the mother of three.

Gwen pretended to remain asleep until Harmony was close enough to sneak a one-handed tickle just below her youngest child's ribs. "Ahhhhhh! I've got you, Harm!"

Harmony twisted away from her mother's tickles falling to the floor at the feet of her sister, Chastity. "Harm. Get off the floor!"

Gwen gave a stern look at Chastity who changed her demeanor diving to the floor tickling her little sister. The tension in the room melted with Harmony's sweet giggles. "Chast, stop! Chastity!"

"Hi Bobby!" Gwen gave a wave to her brother.

Austin couldn't bear to see his mother in the hospital bed and ran out of the room. No need to tell the uncle something wasn't right as Bobby quickly followed his nephew. He caught up with Austin just past the nurse's station.

Bobby called out to the teenager. "Austin. Hey, come on, Austin."

The boy stopped and turned to his uncle. "They said she was better!" Tears filled his eyes. "Uncle Bobby, they lied! Look at her!"

"Hey Bud, you have to remember how bad she was!" Bobby walked beside his nephew. "This will take time. But you will see, she will get better!"

"How can you say that?! Last week we were all at home. Now I...I...I see her so weak!" He pulled away from his uncle again. "It's not fair!"

"Hey, Austin." Bobby walked to his nephew. "Hey. Don't take this out on your mother. She needs everyone pulling for her." The boy looked up to his uncle. "Let's get back in there for your mom!"

Austin nodded and headed back towards his mother's room. "What's up with our neighbor? Mom like him or something?"

Bobby chuckled. "Something like that. He might even think your mom's hot!"

"Now I wanna die! Puke!" Austin blew it out of proportion as any teenage boy would.

"Come on let's be there for your mom." Bobby pulled Austin close and walked him back to the room.

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