The rath of Narcissa Black

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It took Artemis or now known as Narcissa quite a while to realise she had not only been reborn but also into Harry Potter, before well Harry Potter had existed. She was quite shocked as one may expect, but after that her inner Slytherin had awoken just in time for her to start planning. Now her parents weren't bad people they tried, but they just weren't cut out for being parents. It seemed in this life all the Black sisters were 1 year apart. Now as one would assume that her parents would be disappointed by having another girl, they were for once ecstatic. You see this Narcissa was a metamorphmagus, and a natural legilimency and occlumency. This came as an utter shock to her parents, due to the Black family trying to breed back the skill into the bloodline. They were beaming with pride, sure their child was not a male but she had possessed such great gifts they merely couldn't help but boast about it, but growing Narcissa up had been a difficult challenge. The girl was so stubborn and was never afraid to speak about her opinions, no matter the subject. At first they were shocked at some of the things that had come out of her mouth but at this point they were used to it. They had given up trying to force her into the old ways if she clearly refused to listen. But surely they had the other children. They was still hope for them...right? Wrong. It seemed that even though they were older then Narcissa she had babied them since her parents were barely around. Even with the effort it felt more like a second cousin twice removed than a parent. So when it came to Narcissa's opinion on things you were bound to see the other two girls nodding along in agreement. Narcissa had grown quite close with her cousin Sirius and Regulus. More so Sirius since they had a thing for getting into trouble, but she did love them both equally. In fact when things got to hard at their house she would gladly open her home up to them. She made sure to lecture them about how everyone was equal and a house not defining a person knowing their future she thought it best to change things while she was at it. She had gotten into a few arguments with Walburga mainly due to the dislike of her and the abuse she lays on her children. There was one fight in particular in a Black family event which lays fresh in everyone's mind. It was indeed a great night. It started with Walburga spewing her blood purity and her husband Orion barely staying awake in his seat. Narcissa did not feel in the mood to speak so she left Walburga to her child like banter. That was until she had did something that crossed her line. She had hexed Sirius for not greeting her properly. Narcissa was not one for child abuse. She slammed her hands on the rather large and imposing table, catching everyone's attention. Now normally she would bask in the attention but she was just to mad. How dare that old hag hex her cousin! 'How dare you!' Narcissa screeched. Walburga looked affronted before scowling and saying 'Watch who your talking to girl!' 'No you watch who your talking to you old hag!'. At this point everyone was awake judging the situation a tad bit happy Walburga was being put in her place. 'You dare touch a hair on Sirius' head, I'll have yours on a platter!' Exclaimed Narcissa with a mad and murderous gleam in her eyes. At that point everyone had realised she didn't only inherent her powers from the Black genes but also the Black madness.'Sirius and Regulus will be staying with me tonight and until Sirius starts his first year at Hogwarts, while you learn to get your shit together you old crusty musty dusty looking dinosaur fossil!!' Everyone sat in there seats gaping at the youngest female Black. After that everyone had decided to say nothing about the situation and ate in quiet. None would admit to being a tad scared of the girl, while you could find her fussing over Sirius in the corner checking to see if he was hurt. While Sirius would never admit to actually enjoyed being fussed over. Not that he would admit it but he liked that Narcissa treated him like a child some times. It made up for the fact he didn't really have one.
After that night everyone in the Black family had been taught a very valuable lesson. Do NOT cross Narcissa Black.

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