Chapter 2

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I wake up in the middle of the night to find myself tangled in my sheets, wet with sweat and spit.

My feet are pounding against the gravel, slipping from under my feet. I don’t really know from what it is that I am running away from. I look behind me to see if someone is following me, but I don’t see anyone. I see something, but I don’t really know what it is. It has the shape of a human, but it has wings on it. I turn back looking to see that it is no longer there. I turn back around, and feel a thud. I tilt my head upwards, and look straight into the eyes of It, the Thing, the Creature.  RUN! Run! screams my mind. I scream and try to run, but it grabs me, gently, yet roughly enough to get my attention and to get to look at it clearly for the first time. The Thing is a he. He has eyes the color of the night sky, dark blue. He has broad shoulders, and he has muscles, not bulky, but toned to just the right size. I feel small standing next to him, this beautiful-winged creature, and I see that he is like half a foot taller than me, like 6’2”. He looks as if he is 17, but I am not sure about it. Behind him, I see his wings. They are majestic looking, with white as the background feather color and some black feathers scattered around his powerful, majestic- looking wings. I look into his cloudy, night sky eyes and see everything. From good memories, to bad memories, to dreams, to my worst nightmares. I notice that in his eyes, everything goes from good things to bad things, and from cause to effect.  He starts to lean in slowly, and I know what’s going to happen now if I don’t run, but I can’t resist this chance. His lips look so tempting and warm, inviting mine to press against his. So, I just stand there and let it happen, but it never does. His lips never meet mine. Instead, the ground starts to tremble, and I hear a faraway rumble. I feel a hard blow at my side, hear a big sudden explosion, see a really bright white light, and then the world goes black.

I recall having that dream twice this week already, and seven times this month. The first time I had it, I thought it was just a nightmare that would go away soon enough, but now that it has repeated itself more than two times, my hopes that this nightmare will soon be over and be blown out like a candle is being blown away slowly like the wind blowing away leaves in the fall. I pull my covers up all the way, as if I could cover and protect myself from all the evilness that is hiding inside and outside of my room, like beneath my bed, in my closet, outside my bedroom door, and on the outside of my window. What does this all mean? I ask to myself. But what I don’t know is that I will find out what The Dream means sooner than I expected.

The next day I wake up at the usual time. I go to my closet and see what clothes I am going to wear to school. I pick out an average outfit, an outfit that I usually wear to school. It includes an Aeropostale shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of neon socks with my good pair of shoes that I have. I go downstairs and see that my mom left me a note. “She must have gone early to work,” I whisper to myself even though no one is in the house but me. The note reads:

Dear Ever,

I am so sorry I couldn’t stay and eat breakfast with you, but I got an early call today saying that I needed to go in early and help out with the check-ups today. The dentists’ helper couldn’t go today because she had a family emergency, so I have to take over for her today. Have a good day of school!



A movement outside catches my attention. I walk over to my living room window, look out, and see that my boyfriend, Mario, came to pick me up in his old, rusty red pickup truck to take me to school.

Mario has been my boyfriend for quite a while now. It has been a year since we started our on and off relationship. He is very short tempered, and when I do get him mad or when he is mad at something, he throws a big tantrum. It seems like he always takes his anger out on me, but it just might be my silly imagination and me. “This morning he seems in a good mood,” I grumble to myself. It feels to me that every time I have the strange dream, I always wake up in a bad mood, and it is very weird how that happens. I run upstairs, grab my jacket and backpack, and run outside to the pick-up truck waiting for me on my driveway, locking the door behind me as I go outside into the coldness of Erosas Aquia, Maine.

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