The Real Heir of the Jason Family

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Thistletoe started out nothing but as a simple small town where elderly people lived to find peace

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Thistletoe started out nothing but as a simple small town where elderly people lived to find peace. Soon the town grew but was not yet developed and needed a man or a woman to help it develop. For now the town was like any other simple small town which had one school, a high school, a small diner, a jail and houses along with other establishments. Every town has a dark secret that blooms in its garden, Thistletoe had one too. Good old wine was very much popular among the elderly people, so the inhabitants of Thistletoe decided to create a wine production factory where they would make wine for themselves and send some out to the city as well. This is where the story begins. The factory had been working fine, the customers were very happy with the taste of the wine. Everything was fine until the day when Mr Jason, a handsome man with beautiful blonde hair and grey eyes, the one who came up with the idea of opening the factory, took the decision of shutting down the factory. Nobody knew the reason behind this sudden decision, nobody was happy nor did anybody know why Mr Jason decided to do this in the first place. So the factory closed down, wine had been stopped making in that Thistletoe, nobody bothered talking about it either but often people would try to steal a few bottles that had already been made and stocked in the factory. 

One day Mrs Jason awoke the entire Thistletoe with her hysterical scream, people who were passing by Jason Wine Production House heard the scream very well coming from inside the factory and called the police

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One day Mrs Jason awoke the entire Thistletoe with her hysterical scream, people who were passing by Jason Wine Production House heard the scream very well coming from inside the factory and called the police. The police arrived in a few minutes and after rushing in they forbade anybody to get in as it was now officially a crime scene. After getting in they discovered the horrible scene of Mr Jason hanging from the roof with a rope around his neck and Mrs Jason on her knees crying uncontrollably. Mr Jason's body had immediately been taken to the morgue. Upon getting the results the police discovered that there were traces of wolfsbane in Mr Jason's DNA and his heart stopped working exactly 6 hours before the police discovered his body, which was at 9 am. "This is clearly a case of murder disguised as sucide" said Mrs Jason whenever somebody would ask her about what exactly happened. According to Mrs Jason, Mr Jason had left home at 8pm the previous night saying he got some important business to tend to and never returned. She continued by stating that she always suspected Mr Jason was doing something that he should not do and thus she did not bother to call Mr Jason when she noticed he was not home yet. "What makes you think Mr Jason had been doing something that he should not do?" Asked the officer. "I am sure that it is the owner of that Maple Club even though I never saw her but I knew Jason would visit her. Jason always found that lady attractive and bold and would compare me to her as I was nothing but a housewife." replied Mrs Jason in a low voice. Seeing how Mrs Jason was not in the right state and mind to answer anymore of his questions the officer decided to call it a day. 

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