Chapter 1

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Luna is my best friend and we've been through a lot of weird stuff but this went a bit overboard.

Luna and I were sitting  on my bed while we were both on our phones obviously both on TikTok it was already really late when we decided to finally get ready for bed. While Luna had already started brushing her teeth, I was still picking out clothes for the next day, it sounds weird but I do that every night. Then my phone lit up. I had gotten a DM on Instagram, it was Someone I didn't know he said "hi" I ran to the bathroom to ask Luna if I should text back or if I should just ignore it. Lately I had been getting a bunch of DM's I would say I'm a bit famous but the only DM's I'm getting are just hate about me being openly a feminist. I do post a lot about feminism cause I always feel like at least 80% are uneducated. Anyways he seemed nice so Luna suggested that I should text back. Him and I texted for a while after an hour or so Luna reminded me that we wanted to go to bed. The next day when we woke up I had a bit of a headache we got downstairs my parents were at work so we had been alone the whole night and when I think back now this could've gotten horribly wrong. Luna said she wanted to make breakfast and I didn't say no she's an incredible cook, as she made breakfast I went outside to get the mail cause we woke up at like 10 o'clock the mail man had already been there. I obviously don't get any letters cause like why would I?? As I opened the mailbox a red letter literally fell into my hands on the front was just a big ass A it felt a bit like pretty little liars. I went inside and showed Luna the letter. We were both a bit creeped out. As we read the letter I didn't understand who could've been behind it. Luna and I both thought that it must've been a misunderstanding so we threw it away and just forgot it. For the next few days I had Ben texting with that guy I found it a bit weird that he didn't even tell me his name but I just thought that he was maybe just embarrassed by his name. A week later I had to babysit my neighbors baby so Luna came over to help me.
After dinner we sat the baby into his little bed and then sat on the couch as the door rang I went to open whilst wondering who it could be this late. As I opened the door there was no one , just another red letter with an A on the front. As I opened it a bunch of pictures fell out, besides that there was also another short letter inside...

The letter:
Hello jay,
I know you very well and you know me too I really like you would you consider going on a date with me let's meet at **************
Your dearest Anonymous.

I hope you like this first chapter

Instagram: @uhmmiaoderso

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