Turning my back on Phillip just to use the shower feels so painful, it almost feels like his shift is over and I will never see him again. 
Phillip and I met when he was sent by Thomas to Kidnap me from Sydney Australia and return me to Melbourne. On our Journey back to Melbourne Phillip and I got to know eachother, what was suppose to be an 8 hour drive, Phillip turned it in to 10.
Phillip kept asking me why and how I got tangled in the Oval's web.
I remember explaining exactly how Thomas and I met, also remembering how quickly Phillip got over the story.
"You should have never gotten involved with this man or his family, you are either stuck with them or you are in danger" these words will always replay in my mind on a daily. Phillip was so concerned for both our safety, bringing me back to Thomas was his insurance of keeping his family safe, he was never going to turn me in to Thomas.
Knowing that his family was on the line, I gave my self back to Thomas to reassure the safety of his family.

"Loretta I am so sorry to intrude, but you are going to be late for work" Phillips knocks on the bathroom door.
"Wont be to much longer Phillip" I shout out as I quickly shut the water off and raced for my towel.
"We will be waiting outside for you Loretta, this is your only time of freedom from Thomas ma'am please dont waste it in the shower" Phillip giggles.
"You can definitely count on me to be out there in 5 minutes" I laugh.
"Don't disappointment me Loretta" Phillips laughs.

 I run out of the bathroom, and quickly get dressed while Phillip fixes up my bag as he always does daily.
Stocking, skirt, blouse and a coat. What more can a real estate agent wear. Lipstick became illegal for me to wear, because it may draw the attention of other men.
'Light makeup only, you can't reconstruct your face into a whore' Wise words from a man who had countless affairs.

"Loretta, bags are ready and so is your lipstick that I always keep on my person for you" Phillip giggles.
"Phillip I will never survive this place without you, there is no strength inside me that would beg you to stay" I cried.
"One day Miss, I mean Loretta there will be a man who will be a ghost that will save you from all this and know now that when he comes, I will be behind it" Phillip cries wiping both our face.

"Let's get you to work" Phillip sniffs 

I follow behind Phillip as he leads me to the car, this is the last time Phillip will be with me. He is the only body guard that has ever step in to protect me from physical abuse, meanwhile every other guard would look away as I sit in the pool of my own blood. Phillip has never feared to stand against Thomas. Thomas only knew to threatened Phillip by sending men after his family. Every man here standing at attention have something to fight for Thomas has them wrapped around his evil fingers.

Thomas's POV

I love that woman more than anything in the world, she knows nothing without me. Her curvy body only looks good on mine, her hazel green eyes that pierce every bit of me. She is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I will do anything to make sure that it happens. 

'I will be going to the gym after work with Phillip' a message from Loretta
'I will meet you there my love' I reply 
'No, I want to work out in peace with out watching people have to leave the gym as soon as they see you' I know shes mad with the protection I provide, but I can't lose her again.
'Okay babe, just text me when you get there and what time you leave' I demand
'You don't give me much of a choice, so I guess' She responds
'I love you Loretta' 

i know she struggles to forgive me for the things I have put her through, but I know one day she will forgive me and love me all over again, but until then it is only something that I can hope for.

"Boss I know you said no interruptions but this is important" Michael my body Guard forces my office door open with a worried face

"What is it Michael?" I sigh

No Picture, No PerfectTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon