Ten - He Realizes He Loves You

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Neil: Neil had you meet him outside Henley Hall, where he unlocked the door and held the door open for you to walk in to the empty building. "How do you have permission to be here all the time?" You asked Neil as he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. As you melted into his embrace and he placed his chin on your shoulder, he said "My family is friends with the people who own the place. So they just gave me a spare key and said I could come here anytime there isn't anything else going on." He inhaled in your scent before pulling back and taking your hand as you both walk towards the stage. He left you on stage while he ran to the back, moments later music sounding around you. He comes rushing back to you, bowing and holding out his hand, saying, "May I have this dance?" You take his hand, placing your other hand on his shoulder while his other hand finds your waist, slowly you start dancing, or attempting to and failing. You'd never been taught how to dance before. "Do you not know how to waltz?" Neil asked you suddenly, stopping as he looked at you with a curious smile on his face. You shook your head no, and his smile grows along with his excitement. "I'm definitely teaching you then!" He proceeded to tell you how you should carry your feet and follow his lead, counting along with the music. You still continue to stumble and step on his feet, tripping over your own sometimes. During your last trip, you begin to fall towards the floor but Neil catches you, both hands grabbing you by the waist. "I got you, don't worry. I'll always be here to catch you if you fall," he told you, helping you back up, your eyes meeting his brown ones, sparkling with happiness. His lips curled into a smile, a tiny chuckle coming up from his throat. "Oh my," he told you, shaking his head slowly while his eyes continued to bore into you. "What?" You asked him, your heart beating quickly not only from just falling but also because of the way he looked at you. "I just, I love you, Y/N." You smiled after he said that, and without hesitation replying to him with, "I love you too, Neil." He shook his head again, happiness still shining in his eyes as he held onto your waist. Then he leaned in to connect your lips together.

Todd: You once again found yourself on the Welton's campus, promising Todd you'd be there for his soccer game, as always. You loved watching him play and he loved seeing you cheering him on in the stands. Before the game, he had a few minutes to break away from the team to come talk to you. "Hello my love," he told you with a large smile on his face, wrapping his arms around you and planting a firm kiss on your lips. "I missed you." He whispered. "I missed you, too," you replied to him, wrapping yourself around him tighter and wishing you never had to let him go. You hadn't seen him in a week, both of you being so busy with school and homework. You also found it extra difficult to sneak away that week, one of your teachers watching you like a hawk because they heard a rumor you'd been sneaking out. So you told Todd you had to lay low for awhile, which neither of you liked, but you also didn't want to get caught and make it worse for both of you. Mr. Keating began calling for Todd, and you heard your boyfriend sigh before planting one last kiss on your lips and pulling away. "Good luck!" You called after him and he shot you another smile before jogging back over to his team. You then took your usual place next to Cameron on the bleachers, where you often wished at least one of Todd and Gerard's other friends could be, however they all of course also had to be on the team. Cameron was just horrible at conversation. Todd's team was losing within the first five minutes of the game and it just kept getting worse. Usually they never did that bad. You caught Todd's eye after the other team scored yet another goal and he looked defeated. You tried your best to reassure him that it was okay, giving him two thumbs up and a smile during halftime. He returned the smile, seeming to cheer up. The team finally pulled themselves together, scoring goal after goal until they were tied. Within the last minute of the game, Todd had the ball and kicked it perfectly past the opposing team's goalie, scoring the winning goal just in time. His teammates picked him up, cheering and running around with him excitedly, and once he was finally placed back on his feet, he came running up to you, gathering you in his arms once again and picking you up to spin you around. "Did you see that?!" He asked you, excitement in his eyes. You nodded, overjoyed for him and admiring how cute he was being. He kissed you quickly, over and over, short little pecks, and then he announced in a voice only you could hear, "I love you, Y/N." He continued to kiss you, not letting you reply for a good while. Once you were finally able to speak again, you looked at him, happier than you'd ever been before, and said, "I love you too, Todd." And you meant it. You never wanted to let him go.

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