Nine - Dating Him Includes...

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Neil: Dating Neil includes...
-him poking or kissing your nose when he gets excited about something
-him calling you Hermia sometimes instead of your actual name because he loves the fact you two met during your play
-you snuggling into his chest during hugs and inhaling his scent
-studying together in the grass by the lake at Welton and lying on a picnic blanket together while you cloud watch
-him reading you his new favorite poetry while wearing his cute glasses that you rarely get to see him in
-watching him get overly excited about something new nearly every day and adoring it, especially the little dance he does when he's REALLY excited
-lots of soft, sweet kisses
-he also really likes to show you off any time he can, even if he doesn't know the person he's showing you off to
-riding your bikes together through town in which he insists that you "Yawp" with him as loud as you can because he's happy to be alive and have you in his life

Todd: Dating Todd includes...
-receiving cute little love notes on scrap pieces of paper nearly every time you see him
-him teaching you to play soccer but you inevitably tripping over your feet and landing on top of him on the field, which of course leads to you two kissing a little... or a lot
-lots of shy smiles from him, especially after you catch him staring at you
-watching him grow more confident around you and him breaking out of his shell
-him sneaking off to see you and give you a goodnight kiss at your campus sometimes
-holding hands during DPS meetings, him often leaning his head on your shoulder
-long lasting hugs where you melt into his embrace and listen to his heartbeat
-him actually standing up during the meetings so he can read you a new poem he wrote about you
-and he doesn't care what his friends say about his cheesy poem because he knows you love it

Charlie: Dating Charlie includes...
-his hands having to be on you at all times, whether it be holding your hand, his arm around you, around your waist, on the small of your back, or his hand on your thigh or knee
-him not complaining at all when you ask to "borrow" his clothes because he loves seeing you in them
-he's overprotective of you and gets jealous easily, making sure other guys know that you're his
-if he notices another guy staring at you, he glares at them and then turns to you and kisses you with force and passion, his hands on your waist
-him bragging about you during DPS meetings
-especially him bragging to his friends about how good of a kisser you are and you smacking him on the chest playfully
-lots of laughing and jokes
-lots of neck kisses (he desperately wants to give you a hickey but you won't let him for obvious reasons)
-nightly phone calls during the weekdays that you can't see him. He definitely goes well over the ten minute limit the students should adhere to at Welton
-him becoming really good friends with your father despite the very rocky start
-him sneaking in your window at night from time to time because he "wants cuddles" but then it turns into a hot makeout session in which both of you worry you're being too loud and will wake up your parents (but you never do)

Knox: Dating Knox includes...
-lots of short, sweet pecks on the lips at random times
-him complimenting you differently every time he sees you
-him surprising you with all your favorite flowers or a box of chocolates, treating you like every day is Valentine's Day
-taking you on long romantic walks at sunset along the river that runs through town
-and then taking you in his arms and kissing you passionately while the colors of the sky reflect off the water
-both of your parents obviously approving and loving the relationship since you'd known each other since you were young and because they're friends (they rooted for you from the start)
-him helping you with all of your homework so both of you can go to the same college together after high school
-cuddles on the couch while watching a film on the tv, then getting distracted and making out
-then having to pretend nothing happened when you hear one of your parents walking down the stairs to check on you
-him whispering sweet nothings into your ear when you actually do watch the movie that's playing and it making your heart flutter and giving you goosebumps

Meeks: Dating Meeks includes...
-him sneaking in kisses all the time now that he's kissed you once and has more confidence
-trading different books amongst each other because you have similar taste in literature
-always leaving little notes for each other in the books, sometimes hiding notes between the pages for each other to find in the middle of reading
-him skipping phone calls at night because he'd rather risk everything to sneak you in the school at night so you can spend some extra time with him in his dorm (Pitts staying across the hall with Knox on those nights)
-you watching him finish his homework, a concentrated wrinkle between his eyebrows that you find adorable
-him usually getting distracted from his homework and instead the two of you end up in his bed making out or cuddling
-him loving your hands and playing with them all the time, an adorable smile plastered to his face while he's daydreaming
-you constantly having to remind him to clean his glasses because he's always so busy and focused on homework and studying and his extracurriculars to remember simple things like that
-sometimes you'll even remove them and clean them for him without saying anything, and he always blushes profusely when you do, which you love seeing

Pitts: Dating Pitts includes...
-you having to stand on your tiptoes every time you want to kiss him (which is a lot)
-his family being thrilled that the two of you got together finally, and them claiming they all placed bets on when they thought he'd finally gather enough courage to ask you out
-even Amanda is happy for the two of you now, excited that you're probably going to be sisters someday
-him surprising you with little gifts all the time, like your favorite candy or a new poem he found that made him think of you
-both of you addicted to kissing each other, his kisses always deep and passionate
-his hands not hesitating to explore your body when you're making out, and you loving it
-both of you wishing you could have more, but also happy to take the relationship slow
-you both realize there's no need to hurry anything
-both of you always talking about your future together because you can't imagine you'd ever break up
-him constantly daydreaming about you during class, which doesn't help his grades but you try your best to help him keep them up (and Meeks obviously tutors him too)

Cameron: Dating Cameron includes...
-sneaking around just to see him, but it always being worth the risk of getting caught again (being extra careful this time around)
-him either skipping DPS meetings so the two of you can have time to yourself or staying in the cave with you after everyone else clears out
-you resting your head on his chest, his arms wrapped around you while the two of you open up to each other about your past and what you want for the future
-him kissing your forehead a LOT
-also the top of your head
-him accidentally finding where you're ticklish, but afterwards he's always tickling you just to hear your laugh that he loves so much
-you stealing his sweater so you can wear it in bed and have his scent on you when you can't see him, and having to hide it from your father

Author's Note:

Hi again! Double update tonight :) This one was quick and easy to write, though I realize after writing this one that some of the boys are much easier for me to write about than the others. I definitely prefer Charlie and Meeks myself and I feel like I know the most about them and their personalities. It's always superrrr difficult for me to write Neil's part, more than even Cameron. So I apologize in advance if his are pretty sucky compared to the others. I also apologize if something seems wrong or off about one of the other boys.

With love,
M.R. <3

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