"What? Huh? Who said that?" Minnie nervously asked, looking around the room for the source of the voice.

Just then, she saw a strange hooded figure approach her from the shadows. He appeared to be standing on two legs and he spoke with a deep voice.

"Hello, Miss Minnie Mouse," he said.

Minnie was so shocked that she almost screamed. She had never seen a creature like this before and she wasn't sure what to do in a situation like this.

Taking a step back, she asked, "How do you know my name? Who are you?"

"You'll never know. But right now, all I can say is that I'm a friend. I'm a friend who knows how to spin straw into gold," the creature said calmly.

"You can?! You can really spin straw into gold?! Can you really do it? Will you, please? Please? Please?" Minnie pleaded.

"Of course, I can, my dear. But I'll do it for a fee of course. Do you have anything to give me?"

"Well, I'll give you anything if you help me. But what do I have of any worth? All I have is this bronze necklace. It was a gift from my grandmother and it means a lot to me."

"Deal. And if I ever have to come back, the price will be much higher. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. And I hope I won't have to disturb you again."

So Minnie gave the stranger her necklace and he went right to work. As he spun the straw, it miraculously turned into long strands of pure, shining gold. And at the break of dawn, he disappeared just in time and the King and Minister Donald Duck were greatly impressed and surprised as soon as they entered.

"You've done it!" The King exclaimed, taking Minnie's hand and smiling excitedly.

But Minister Donald Duck was as greedy as he was rude, so he said, "Your Majesty, wait! It must be a trick! We have to see if she can do it again!"

"What?!" The King and Minnie asked in unison.

"As your Prime Minister, I must protect you, my King. One more time," the duck insisted.

The King let out a sigh in defeat. "Alright. One more time."

Minnie was terrified. She had no idea what to do now. So, when night came again, the King took the girl to the largest room in the castle filled to the brim with even more straw than before. She stared at it in shock.

"Now, spin for me just one more night. And if you do, I'll marry you and make you my wife, my Queen," the King said. Minnie let out a silent gasp and her eyes widened.

"W-what?" she asked, making sure she heard him right.

"Your Queen?!" Minister Donald Duck cried.

"Yes, Donald. I've already made up my mind," the King said through gritted teeth.

He looked back at Minnie with hopeful eyes. "So...?"

"Me? Your Queen?" Minnie stuttered, unsure of what to say at that moment. "I...I'm honored, Your Majesty. Truly, I am. I...I supposed I could. I'll try to do what I can. I promise."

"Good. I hope you succeed, Minnie."

"See you in the morning, Miss Mouse. And remember: NO magic," Minister Donald taunted.

And soon, the King and Donald led the girl to her task once again. Minnie was horrified by doing this task a second time, so she tried to call for the creature that helped her the other night. And as if on cue, the cloaked stranger appeared before her just like he did before.

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