Chapter 1 - The Fight

Start from the beginning

So, she gave the instructions to the alpha at the time, Alpha Michel Sanders, that all wolves who had not found their mate by the age of 18, would embark on a journey across the world to visit as many packs as they could, in order to meet their assigned soulmate.

For a time, this worked,  the numbers of werewolves meeting their mates increased, and the numbers of werewolves born started increasing as a result.

But a time came, several hundred years later, when the then alpha of the pack, Alpha Jean-Luc Sanders, returned home alone, he had not found his mate. He went to the moon gate sanctuary in their temple, and pleaded and begged his goddess to help him find his mate.  He did this every night, for a full year until he became so broken hearted he no longer held hope. His heart was empty, he was convinced that his true mate was dead.

The following full moon, she appeared to him in a dream.  She gave him instructions for performing the Bonding Ceremony.

This was a ceremony where he could choose his mate, to ensure that the alpha line would not end, it would allow him to procreate with a Chosen mate. This ceremony could only be performed for an alpha, and it was only allowed to be performed by the Selene's Warrior's pack, in their temple.

It was said that the pack was descended from Selene's children, they were the original werewolves. There was a legend, that said, that she would bless the union of two wolves who stood under her moon gate during their mating ritual on a full moon.

Over time, some alpha's would ask for permission for the Bonding Ceremony to be performed on their behalf. They had not found their Fated mate and they wanted to take their Chosen mate. If the Goddess approved the union of the Chosen mate, she would show it by illuminating the inscription above the gate.

So, Stefan had taken Mireya as his Chosen, after he had rejected Julie. This was what had led her here. In this arena, about to plead and fight for her life:

"Alpha, again, I will say, I did not attack anyone. Especially, not my Luna." Julie spoke calmly and with an air of serenity. Her voice was like a balm, soothing and soft.

Mireya was furious at this point, but she was cunningly sneaky, and she knew exactly how to manipulate her mate. "Stefan," she whined, "you can't believe her? I tell you, she attacked me. We were in the kitchen, when I informed her that the pack doctor told me that I couldn't eat any peanuts or seafood until the pup was born. She turned on me, screaming, she knocked me over and began kicking me in the stomach. Saying I couldn't carry your baby, if she couldn't." At this, Mireya started to rub her completely flat stomach, as if she were trying to comfort herself while also wiping away a fake tear.

"No, Alpha, that is not true." Replied Julie. "If I was in the kitchen with the Luna, then how could I have been in the Laundry room when you found me?"

This was true. The Laundry Hall was almost two kilometres away from the pack house, where the kitchen was located. His office was almost right beside the kitchen. When Mireya had come to him sobbing,  she had said the attack had just happened.  He had used his alpha speed to get to the Laundry,  Julie would not have made it there as quickly as he had.

Stefan gathered himself to his full height, he realised that he couldn't make the accusation stick. This showed on his face  Mireya, meanwhile,  had realised her mistake. She mindlinked her friend who had transferred with her from her original pack.

A scuffling was heard among the crowd. "Alpha, the Luna is telling the truth!" The voice was that of Shelley, Mireya's partner in crime. She made her way to the front and spoke loudly for all to hear her. "Julie passed me in the corridor outside the kitchen. This was about thirty minutes ago. I had heard a commotion come from the kitchen and then Julie just barged right passed me! She seemed like she was very angry. When I went into the kitchen,  I found our Luna curled up on the floor holding her stomach. I stayed with her for about ten minutes in the kitchen and then helped her make her way to your office. Julie would have had plenty of time to get to the Laundry. "

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