Chapter 1 - The Fight

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Julie felt the full force of the punch to her ribs, hearing them crack as the breath was knocked out of her lungs and she was tumbled to the ground. As she looked through her good eye, she saw the mixed stares of her pack members.
Some, who had experienced rejection from their mate, looked at her with sympathy, knowing the sorrow and pain that was swirling within her heart.
Others, who thought she was too weak to have been selected as their Luna, were sending hateful glances her way, as they mocked her and cheered their Alpha.

Their Alpha.

Stefan. Her Fated Mate.
The One selected for her by Selene, their Moon Goddess.

He was the one who was killing her, right now, in front of his pack, for 'disrespecting' his Chosen. In reality,  all she had done was defend herself from abuse and slander.

Mireya, the Luna, had run to him, sobbing, about how Julie had 'attacked' her when she had told her she was pregnant. This incensed Stefan, alpha wolves are notoriously protective of their young, especially the unborn. To jeopardise his pup's life was beyond foolish and Julie would now pay the price.

He stormed over to the Laundry Hall where Julie worked, in a rage he dragged her, by her hair, to the training ground arena, ignoring her screams and pleas for an explanation of what he was doing. He threw her into the ring where the warriors would have weekly pack matches to test each others strength, and where the pack could come and watch in the stands above.

A large crowd had gathered,  given that word had spread among the pack link when people had seen the alpha dragging her through the pack land. People were still filing into the arena when Stefan started his 'trial'.

"JULIA TARRONE" Stefan bellowed out. "You are hereby charged with the crime of attacking a fellow she-wolf, a pregnant she-wolf, your Luna, Mireya Sanders, how do you plead?"

Julie looked up at him and gasped. She could see the murderous intent in his eyes, she could sense his wolf close to the surface, wanting to hurt her for attempting to hurt or kill his unborn pup.

Wolf mates usually never would want to hurt their true mates. Even after their human counterpart had performed the rejection, there would always be a connection between the two wolves. But she had endangered his pup, and that overrode all of his mate instincts. He wanted her blood! She must pay!

"Alpha?" Julie whimpered. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"So, do you deny the charges?" Stefan answered back, the muscle in his jaw clenching, showing how hard he was trying to hold his wolf back.

"Yes, I deny the charges" replied Julie. "I didn't attack anyone, much less my Luna." At this, she gathered herself up from the dirt, where Stefan had thrown her. She stood tall, as tall as she could,  given her 5 ft 5in frame, and looked him in the eyes, trying to convey the truth of her statement, and hoping he would listen.

"LIAR!" Screamed Mireya, who had made her way into the ring to stand alongside her now Chosen mate. "You attacked me, screaming of how you would not allow me to carry the alpha's baby, if you couldn't do it."

A gasp of shock went through the arena at this statement and people starting murmuring amongst themselves at what she had done. Some were sceptical of their new Luna's claim, they had known Julie all her life, and they knew she was not given to violence easily.

Mireya, was originally from another pack, Red Moon. She was the daughter of the alpha in Red Moon and she had met Stefan when he visited her pack while on his Finding Quest.

The Finding Quest was particular only to the Selene's Warrior's pack. It had been given to them by the goddess herself. She had seen that her wolves were decreasing in numbers due to the fact that they were not finding their Fated mates. Werewolves can only reproduce offspring with their Fated Mate.

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