Chapter 3

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A few weeks later Alex was feeling sick and he tries to keep it away from his husband then the Private Secretary comes in bows his head and says,"Your Royal Highnesses something terrible has happened The Queen, Queen Mother, The Duke and Duchess and The Princess Royal were killed in a tragic auto accident last night in Perthshire on the way to a charity event and as of right now the claim to the throne goes to you since you are the last living heir to the throne your Majesty!" He bows respectfully to Henry and Alex as they are brought into a room to discuss his Title as King.

The two enter a room across from their bedroom. The new King sits next to his Husband and he looks at the Private Secretary and he clears his throat,"Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness? In light of the death of The Senior Members of the Royal Family we need to decide on your Royal name?" Henry looks at his husband and then his Private Secretary then he says,"Call me King Henry the 9th in honor of the Tudor Dynasty." He smiles at Alex and the older gentlemen gets up and nods and says,"Well then God Save King Henry!" He then opens the door and then nods to both men and says respectfully,"Sirs!" Then exits the room. Henry turns to his husband and he says,"As of now you have a choice would you like to be King Alexander of England and Wales? Or Prince Consort Alex Duke of Kent?" Alex excitedly says,"King I think it wouldn't be fair for you only to have the title Your Majesty don't you think?"

Henry chuckles as he kisses him,"Of course I will assemble the council for the Coronation and make sure you are also the Captain of the Royal Marines and well your already a Knight of the Garter! So that's already taken care of" Alex smiles at his husband and he then says after he takes a deep breath,"Um Henry?" Henry then looks up into his husband's big brown eyes as the younger continues,"I had the Royal Doctor examine me and found something interesting but before I tell you anything further I want to ask you an important question?" Henry knits his eyebrows together and says slowly,"Okay? What's up love you can tell me anything remember we are a team and whatever happens we will always work through it. I mean those vows were not meant for nothing right?"

Alex chuckles as he gets up and walks around the couch to sit in his husbands lap and he says,"How do you feel about children?" Henry looks at him and ponders it and then says,"I have absolutely no problem with them at all it says that more love is to give in a family why do you ask?" He watches his husband pull out a sheet of paper and he hands it to him. Alex looks at him and quickly opens it, inside its the normal physical the normal weight, height and blood pressure but then something catches his eye it says in the notes that Alex has female hormones and then it says he is pregnant.........Pregnant!? His baby of 2 years is going to have a baby of there own!!! A baby to raise to be a little prince or princess and to pass the crown on the next in line a little baby boy or girl Fox-Mountchristen the heir to the throne when both parents pass.

He reads the paper over and over again as he bursts into tears and lifts Alex up spinning him around as he shouts for joy kissing him deeply,"Are you joking? Oh my God this is what you were keeping from me for weeks!? I'm so overjoyed I love you so much!" Alex laughs as they have the happy moment together.

The honeymoon had lasted a month in a tour of Wales, Ireland and ending in Balmoral Castle where they had finally consummated the marriage in the bedroom of Henry formally the Prince of England now king and where Alex had gotten pregnant that night. The reception was well received from the people about Alex he was the first openly gay prince and mixed race prince as well.

That evening they go to bed as the official rulers of England and now with the impending news of fatherhood on both men they already have their hands full with everything that is going on..........

A month later......

The funerals came and went and now the moment has come for both men to become Kings. They were awoken at 5 am to shower, eat breakfast and go through "The Boxes" all the paperwork that is sent from 10 Downing Street to both men Henry  takes care of the Parliamentary Duties while Alex takes care of the planning and Charitable contributions, efforts and Funds.

Before that Buckingham Palace released a statement on Instagram announcing the royal pregnancy that read:

"Buckingham Palace has joyously and gratefully announced that both King Henry and King Alexander will be expecting their first child in the early Spring of 2023. Both parents are excited about the news and grateful as well Long Live the Royal Family."

The men has posed for a photo on the Royal Instagram page that was showing Henry in a white dress shirt with no tie, sleeves rolled up, wedding band gleaming in the sunlight looking into Alex's eyes smiling madly at each other and both madly in love.

After the paperwork was finished it was about noon, a light lunch was to follow suit and then both men were dressed in there full uniforms with Knights of the Garter sashes and swords. Alex fits on the signet ring that Henry gave him on there first date  and he smiles as he puts his gloves on along with his sword as Henry knocks on his dressing chambers as Alex tells him to come in. The entire party bows including the young king and Henry goes up to Alex and he orders everyone out so he can have a private moment with Alex.

15 minutes later the door opens as both men are led out to the gilded stage coach which in turn will transport them to Westminister Abbey and which in turn will proclaim them kings. Both men are robed before the Coronation ceremony and they are Crowned in there princely cornets and then the fanfare plays announcing the arrival of both men. The ceremony lasts two hours and now both men are proclaimed Kings of England by both the church and people.

Now the real challenge begins two young men ruling a country together in the wake of the loss of the royal family a new one took over kind of like a Phoenix rising out of the ashes. Both men are extremely happy that Alex's mom has attended the Coronation and she is excited to become a grandmother. The royals are headed back to the palace to relax before the party to celebrate the ascension to the throne.

Out on the balcony the Kings are welcomed with open arms by the people who cheer for them and cheers for the new future of the Monarchy. That night both men go to bed as there first night as Kings of England, Ireland, Scotland, Canada and Wales.

A/N: Finally God Save The Kings! what do you guys think of Alex's news? It will take awhile for the next few chapters so please enjoy my other books while you wait love you guys!

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