It Ended So So Good - Tierna Davidson

Start from the beginning

Becky takes it upon herself to order as we other sit down across a few tables trying to sit as close to each other as possible

I just so happened to land with Mal, Lindsay, Alex and Tierna. "Okey but don't y'all get it. I could have been doing something so much nicer then this" I say starting to complain again

"Okey please we get it but be happy you at least have a girlfriend. I'm alone for the fourth Valentine's Day in a row" Tierna say

"You should ask the waitress out. She looked about you age" Alex say when Tierna is done talking

"Why would I. She's probably straight with a boyfriend" She say looking for her but seam to not find her

"What makes you thing she is straight with a boyfriend" Mal ask joining in on our conversation

"Someone that good looking can't be single and gay at the same time"

"I think you are wrong" I say

"We'll think that then. I'm not asking her out" Tierna say

It doesn't take to long to get our drinks and cakes considering we are 23 people. As she the waitress is leaving our table to walk back behind the counter it's pretty obvious Tierna is looking at her ass so i kick her leg under the table

"Oww. What was that for" She say looking at me

"Stop staring at her ass. That's why" Tierna managed to keep the blush of her faces and just give me an eye roll as an answer but starts to drink her hot chocolate

Y/n's POV
We finally handed out the big ass order but it wasn't easy. I had gay panic from start to end. Like how do you act normal around those women. I would literally take anyone of them out if I got the chance

That's beside the point. Right now there seam to be a time where couples don't feel like buying a coffee which I enjoy and soon Sara is back but she and her damn mouth had to point out the women in the house as soon as she walked in the door

"Hold up. Y/N" Can be heard from Sara

"What. If you are about to tell me about you straight date then I don't want to hear it and if your are going to say the the National team is here I already know" I scream back from the back of the kitchen

Laughs can be heard and that's when I realize the whole team probably heard that. And a few minutes later Sara walk inside and over to me handing me a shirt. So I look at her like she's dumb

"Look at it" She say so I take it out of her hand and unfold it which makes me gasp. On the back side their is a lot of drawing. More specifically autographs from probably the whole team

I put it away before going on with my work. Soon I ended up behind the counter talking to an old friend who just so happened to pass by. She has just left and I'm about to walk back into the back when someone approach me so I turn to face them

"Kelley. Kelley O'Hara" She say as she put her hand out

"I know but I'm Y/n Jackson"

"So you single" She ask straight up

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I ask unsure

"Oh, it isn't for me. So you single"

I slightly laugh at how care less and blunt she is. "Yes I'm single"

"Do you have a Valentine's date"

"No. I'm to lonely for that" I answer

"Into girls?" She continues

"Yea I'm very much gay"

"Thank you very much" She say as she turn her heel and walk back to her friends. I just shake my head and fix a quick iced coffee to myself

I'm once again about to walk into the back when I hear something that catches my attention

"Come one. She's single and into girls. Just ask her out" I think Alex Morgan say as I pretend to tidy up the coffee machine

"She will reject me" A younger voice say

"You don't know until you stop being a pussy and ask her" Kelley say

"Okey. Fine. If you guys leave then I will do it" The younger voice say. I steal a quick glance at the women and see that everyone is leavening except for number 12. Miss Davidson

And for some reason I instantly become very nervous. I try to compose myself as I take a sip out of my cup and turn around to she her walking over

"How can I help you" I ask treating her as any other person

"Well..." She start of as she run her neck." are a very good looking girl and I wondered if you would let me take you out tonight for dinner or something" I can tell that she is nervous which makes me happy knowing their is two of us

"Well I would love to go out with you if someone as famous as you would like to give her phone number out" I say as I grab my phone. I can see a slight blush creeping up on her freckles face which makes me relax a tiny bit

She put her phone number in before handing back the phone. "I sent myself a message and I will call later. Y/n" She say with a smile before turning around and walking out the door

My name coming out of her mouth just sounded so good. Is that weird. Who cares

"And that's the story of how me and your mom met" I say as I tuck my oldest child into her bed

"Good night sweetheart" I whisper as I place a kiss on her forehead before slowly closing the door and walking down stairs

"What took you so long" The love of my life and wife say

"She wanted to know how we met" I say as I lay down and pull T on top of me

"Well that was one hella of a day long ago"

"Yea and I remember how it started so fucking bad but I remember even clearer how it ended so so good" I say as I place a kiss on my girlfriend of ten years

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