What happened to you

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Oliver's: POV

"Please Jake, call me." I said. "Look, Oliver, I don't have to go fishing today." replied dad. "Yes, you do." said Harry. "Just be careful." I replied. "I always am." said Charlie.

I drove home to Jacob after they had left but something was different with him. I went out into the rain and called his name.

"Jacob. You cut your hair off and got a tattoo? I throught you were to sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call." I said. "Go away." he replied coldly. "What?" I asked. "Go away." said Jacob.

"What happened to you, did Sam do this to you?" I asked. "No Sam's trying to help me. Don't blame him. But if you want to blame someone blame your little bloodsucking friends of yours, The Cullens. Yes. I promised I was never going to hurt you, and this is me keeping that promise. Go home, and don't come back, or else you're going to get hurt." said Jacob.

"I thought we were friends." I replied hurt. "It has never been 'we'." said Jake. "I lost Adam, I will not lose you too." I replied. "He doesn't even care about you anymore." said Jake. "Don't do this to me." I replied and the tears burned. "Just go home." said Jacob and he ran to his friends.


I was soaked when dad met me in the hall and he looked worried at me. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. "No." I said and went to my room. "I'm here if you want to talk." he called.


Alan's: POV

I had saved my husband from drowning. I hugged him and cried. I've missed him so much. Thank you Alan." said Stefan. "I couldn't let you die." I replied. He smiled and kissed me.

Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

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Thank you glitterybearforever for being in my book

I'm glad Alan saved Stefan

I hope you liked the chapter


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