Part - 22

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Dylan and the triplets got ready. All the three little boys were lookibg extremely cute. Dylan wore his favorite blue t-shirt followed by a Black jacket and denims. He was looking extremely handsome.

Dylan: "guys let's wait in the car, your mum will be here soon"
They all nodded. And they all went and sat inside the car.

Dylan sat on the driver's seat waiting for Jenn.

Few minutes later, Jenn came back, wearing a casual beige colored gown with a chocolate colored jacket on top. Her 9 months pregnant belly visible. Her hairs made into a pony and she looked extremely beautiful.
She slowly walked towards Dylan's Rolce royce.
Dylan was Flattened on Jenn. She was looking gorgeous.
She sat next to Dylan.

Jenn: "lets go"
Killian: "Mom, You're looking beautiful"
Jenn: "thanks"
[she kissed on Killian's cheek]
Dylan began to drive.

A hour later, they arrived at the stadium, they entered and watch the match.
It was so Boring for Jenn, she felt sleepy. Whereas Dylan and The triplets enjoyed the match allot.
Slowly Jenn fell asleep on Dylan's shoulder.

Dylan looked at Jenn.
Dylan thinking:
'she looks even more beautiful when she's asleep. How can I stop myself from her. She looks so perfect, her lips are way too attractive'
He continued to stare at Jenn, he tried to control himself but he couldn't. He finally gave up and lean forward to kiss Jenn's lips.
He leaned and kissed her softly.
Jenn woke up and saw Dylan kissing her.
She felt nervous and she backed off.
They both looked at each others for a brief moment than went away from each other.

It was awkward.

They took the kids and started driving back home.
They arrived at home, the triplets were tired so they went into their bedroom and Dylan and Jenn went to theirs.

Dylan: "Look about that kiss...."
Jenn: "It's alright, don't let it happen again"
[she interfered and said coldly]
And Jenn went to sleep.
Dylan was shocked.
She replied so coldly to him.
He was angry at her for her misbehavior.

Everybody in Dylan's house accepted Jenn and they all liked Jenn really well.
Dylan was happy to know that. But Jenn decided that she will leave Dylan's house and life once his baby is born.

It was Monday morning.

Jenn woke up from sleep and sat on the bed because she was feeling uneasy. Dylan walked out of his bathroom wearing only towel covering his lower half. He looked at Jenn.

Dylan: "You're up"
Jenn: "Yeah"
He smiled and went to grab his phone.
He called Eli.
Eli: "Hello"
Dylan: "Eli"
Eli: "good morning sir"
Dylan: "Yeah, cancel all of my meetings today am not coming to work today."
Eli:" but sir, we've got an international client coming"
Dylan: "Call him later. I'm going for baby shopping today"
[he said while looking at himself in the mirror]
Jennette looked at Dylan, She overheard his words.
Dylan: "bye"
And Dylan ended the call.

Jenn stood slightly up, than started to walk towards the bathroom.
Dylan: "Get ready soon, we have to go shopping"
Jenn looked at Dylan.
Jenn: "am not going anywhere"
Dylan: "yes you are. I want to buy things for my upcoming little one. And I don't care what you're doing. You have to come with me"
[he commanded]
Jenn: "this is not right, you can't just force me into everything"
[she said gettinv pissed off]
Dylan: "I don't really care. Just do as I say to you. Or else I can be a very very bad guy here"
[he said warning her]
Jenn glared.
Jenn: "Just because am a surrogate doesn't mean you can behave in any way as you want with me."
[she said getting angry]
And Jenn walked inside the bathroom.

Dylan got so much angry, He angrily threw away his phone on the bed.

Dylan to himself:" F**K!! "

His temper rised up because of Jenn' s words.

Jenn came out of the bathroom after her shower. She got ready, she was looking extremely beautiful in her Brown colored knee-length dress.
Her pregnant belly was showing off clearly. Dyl instantly fell for her.
They sat inside Dylan's car and drove off to the mall.

Dylan started buying almost all the expensive things.
Jenn: "Why are you buying everything? Do you even know the baby gender yet Dylan?"
[she asked getting disgusted]
Dylan was already angry on Jenn. He was not replying her properly.
Dylan: "It's my choice. You ain't paying for the stuff. So You should better mind your own business Jennette."
[he said in a harsh tone]
Jenn: "fine, but am just advicing you. Don't buy gender related products right now. Wait till the baby arrives"
[she said politely]
Jenn: "F**k off Jennette. Just go and See if you can find a d*c* to s**k to help finance your future sh*t."
[he said in an extremely harsh way]
Jenn was so hurt.

Jenn thinking:
'how can he say something like that about me? I was just advicing him and he just insulted me. He thinks in such harsh way about me. He thinks am an Prostitute who can do things for money'

She just kept quite. She didn't replied him at all. She was deeply hurt.
Dylan continued to buy baby products. He bought almost everything expensive from the shop to fulfil his need and lessen his Anger.

Dylan thinking:
'f**k, how can I be like this? I said so much fc**d up things about her on her face. She might be very very hurt. Oh my God, am such a beast. I have to control my anger. I seriously doesn't mean any of those words I said. I love her so much, it's just that she is not going to stay with me she had determined it. And I want her in my life. I'm just so angry about this so much.'

Dylan's unwanted tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now