Part - 15

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Jenn finally stopped crying and went upstairs.
She was unable to work properly due to her huge 7 months pregnant belly.

She entered the kids' room and sat next to them gazing at them.
She kissed on their foreheads.
Jenn: "I love you all so much. You all means the world to me."
Just when she felt the baby kicking inside her belly.
She looked at her belly. She saw the baby's head moving.
She smiled.
Jenn to her belly: "I wish I could love you too forever. But we can't stay together. You're not mine, I have to give you up. But still I will love you till my last breath, You're my baby too"
[Tears drop from her eyes when she said that]
She was extremely heart broken it was all so Miserable for her.
She was entering depression.

She started to wake the boys up.
Killian, Rees and Johann woke up.
They all got dressed, jenn feed them food. And finally they left for the hospital.

Jenn was depressed. She didn't knew what to do or how to deal with it. She didn't even had money to win the case against Dylan. Because dylan is the billionaire and he can buy anything or anyone he want.

They arrived at the hospital.
Killian: "mom, why are we here?"
Rees: "Yes mom"
Johann: "Are you ill, mom?"
Jenn smiled at them.
Jenn: "No one's ill. We're going for a medical checkup."
Rees:" is it going to hurt, mom?"
Jenn: "No honey. Obviously not"
Jenn took the boys inside the hospital.
They entered dr. Mauli's cabin.
Dylan was already sitting in there with his lawyer andrew.
He turned and saw Jenn.

She was wearing a flower printed loose dress with her brunette hairs straight and her cute 7 months baby bump.
Dylan instantly fell for her beauty. He was unable to hold his feelings for her. He still loves her the most.
But still he controlled himself and remain stone cold.

Mauli: "oh ms. Jennette is here. Let's proceed with the test"
Dylan: "sure. I've already given my samples to you"
Mauli: "yes"
Mauli took the kids with her.
Jennette, Dylan and andrew were sitting and waiting.
Dylan was just gazing at Jennette.

Dylan thinking:
'How can she be this beautiful even with that big belly. God Stop yourself Dylan. You're falling for her again. I just can't stop myself I used to love her so much, I have to be tough here. She cheated on me and that kid inside her is probably of her new boyfriend or maybe husband. I am going to make her life hell'

Jennette was feeling scared. It has been almost 3 years since Dylan left her. She felt uncomfortable especially because Dylan was staring at her baby bump constantly.

Jenn was still in love with him but all of the things he had done with her made her disappointed.

Finally an hour later. Mauli came back with The kids.
Mauli: "I've taken the samples"
Dylan: "when's the result going to arrive"
Mauli: "in next few days"
Dylan smiled and they started leaving.

Jennette started leaving with kids. They were outside the hospital. When Dylan called them.

Dylan: "Killian"
Killian, Rees and Johann looked at Dylan. They gave a huge smile to him and ran towards him.
They hugged Dylan tightly.
Killian, Rees, Johann: "We missed you"
[they said smiling]
Dylan: "I missed you guys too"
Jenn was happy seeing the kids reunite with their father but on the other side she was upset because dylan wanted to separate the kids from her. But still she didn't stopped the triplets to meet their father.
Killian, rees, johann: "it's great to see you uncle"
Dylan smiled to them.
Dylan: "Not uncle. I'm your dad"
[he said excitedly]
Killian, Rees and Johann were confused.
Rees: "you're our dad?"
[he said cutely]
Killian: "You are Killian, Rees and Johann's papa?"
[he also said cutely]
Johann: "Yes say"
Dylan chuckled. He was in love with his sons.
Dylan: "Yes my babies. I'm your daddy"
Killian, Rees and Johann got over excited. They hugged Dylan tightly.
Dylan was overwhelmed with love.
Killian, Rees and Johann: "We love you dad"
[they said cutely together]
Dylan felt completed when his sons showed their affection to him.
Dylan: "I love you all too much"
[he said pampering them in his muscular arms]
For the first time, Eli and Andrew saw the soft side of the arrogant and most powerful business tycoon Dylan Howland.
Jenn just stood there dealing with all the mental pressure alone.
Dylan: "and you all know what?"
Killian, Rees, Johann:" what dad?"
Dylan: "Daddy's going to get his baby boys back"
[he said glaring at Jenn]
Jenn got scared.
She knew he's going to do anything he can to take his boys back.
Killian, Rees, Johann: "We will miss you dad. Please meet us soon"
Dylan: "we will be together soon boys"
The boys were extremely happy.

Jenn didn't said anything, she took the boys and left for home.

Few weeks later, Jennette was in the end of her 7th month of pregnancy. Dylan continued to fire his powerful attacks on Jennette.

Finally the DNA reports arrived.
Mauli called Dylan.
Dr mauli: "Hello Mr. Howland"
Dylan: "Yes doctor?"
Mauli: "The DNA reports arrived."
Dylan:" okay what's in it? "
Mauli:" It's in your favor. The Triplets are yours"
[she said happily]
Dylan was extremely happy.
Dylan: "I knew it. I knew it. Just send the reports to me as soon as possible"
Mauli: "Yes Sir."
Mauli sent the reports on Dylan's address.

Dylan's unwanted tripletsWhere stories live. Discover now