The princes looked around the tree for any fallen twigs or small branches and successfully found three and gave the smallest to the princess. They taught her how to stand properly and a few moves, but seeing as she is only 4 most of it went over her head and she would just do her own thing.

"Well, we will make a warrior out of you some day," Ferguson came over wearing his usual black, Brown and silver attire his unmistakable scar resting on his left cheek. He patted Kiara on the head causing her to smile.

"Lord Calder Lord Ferguson what are you doing out here," Loki questioned, his breathing still heavy from fighting earlier.

"We came out to do our rounds checking guards among other things and thought we would come and give you some water," Ferguson answered, holding a thin wooden tray balancing 3 full small glasses each covered in detailed artistry.

"Here take one," Calder passed a glass into Loki's awaiting hands.

He stared down and took in the sharp sour smell confusion written on his face.

"What is this," he stared back up at the lords his siblings looking at him in disarray.

"The cooks are using some new fruits from Vanaheim," Ferguson reassures the young Prince.

"No that is not fruit I have smelt this before while working with mother on her draughts," he glares at the two lords.

"Oh well it cannot be that bad," Thor exclaims as he goes to take a drink.

"Don't you fool," Loki knocks the drink out of Thor's hand.

"Or you," Loki looks at Kiara watching as she puts the drink back onto the tray Ferguson was holding.

"This has got some herbs in that can cause drowsiness and power binding properties, why would the chefs put that in there."

"I do not know why that is in there I will take it back and question immediately," Calder went to grab Loki's drink but he held tight.

"I will take this in and examine it myself then I will prosecute and kill whoever thought they could use this on us or anyone here," he firmly ordered.

"Your going to kill someone," Kiara stared up at her big brother with a worried look.

"What, er, no, just shush," Loki spoke quieter as Thor pulled Kiara into a side hug slightly blocking her from what's happening.

"No, he is not, Prince Loki with all due respect you are merely a child with no powers in court to do anything like that, unlike us we can sort this just trust us," Ferguson tried to reason with Loki.

"Fine, but I expect to find out anything important like if this was on purpose or who it was aimed at," Loki spoke more calmer as he backed down.

"Of course your majesty, I will see you three around carry on playing."

They picked up Thor's empty glass and took Kiara's swiftly leaving three alone.

"So, now what?" Thor asked his arm still slumped over his little sisters shoulders.

"You can finish teaching me to sword fight," Kiara offered.

"Fine, don't see why not now those incentive lords have gone," Loki rolled his eyes.

"I think we have had enough for one day we do not want it getting out of hand again," Thor warned Loki.

"Relax brother, you need to lighten up a bit."


The three siblings battled, makeshift swords flew through the air so did many kicks and punches, until Thor accidentally hit Kiara too hard causing her to fall and start to cry.

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