Chapter 4

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A/N: I hope you're enjoying the story

2 days after Zeynep Hatun, Nurgül, and Yiğit's arrival at the Kayi tribe.....

Everyone is gathered in the main tent eating their last meal of the day. Everyone is enjoying their food when suddenly Ertugrul Bey says "Ana told me that some guests arrived to the tribe a few days ago". Halime turned to look at Ertugrul and said "Yes, my bey, Zeynep Hatun and her two children Nurgül and Yiğit". Halime gulped after she said Yiğit's name, she looked down at her beautiful sapphire blue dress and felt tears form in her eyes. Ertugrul saw this and put his hand lovingly on Halime's shoulder. Halime looked at him and stared into his beautiful hazel brown eyes. Ertugrul smiled at her and gazed lovingly into the gazelle eyes he first fell in love with more than 20 years ago. Even though no words were said during these brief moments, it felt as if they both had spoken thousands and thousands of words. That's how deep their love was for each other and always would be. Stepping back into reality, Ertugrul began to ask everyone more questions about Zeynep Hatun and her family. "So why have these people come to our tribe? Do you know them, Ana?" he asked Hayme Ana. "No oğlum, they come to our tribe and begged us for food and water and Hafsa Hatun gave them a grand feast without even asking mine or Halime's permission. I decided to learn more about this family and was convinced by the story that the hatun told me, I didn't want to leave a helpless woman with two young children without food or water or money or any place to go, I had to help them, I felt it in my heart" Hayme Ana replied. "You did the right thing Ana" Ertugrul said with a kind smile on his face. Just at that moment, Abdurrahman Alp came and announced to Ertugrul bey that a Nurgul Hatun had come to see him. "Let her come in Abdurrahman"Ertugrul replied. "Salem Aleykum Ertugrul Bey" Nurgul greeted Ertugrul bey politely with a smile on her face. "Aleykum salem Nurgul Hatun, welcome to our tribe, how are you, your mother, and your brother? " Ertugrul responded. "We are good alhamdulillah, I have come here to greet you on behalf of my mother and thank you, Halime Hatun, Hayme Ana, and everyone at Kayi tribe for their immense kindness towards us. May Allah bless you Ertugrul Bey, May you be forever happy and healthy, and live 100 years long" Nurgul Hatun thanked Ertugrul Bey. "Estağfurullah, we are overwhelmed by your kind words and your duas kizim, have a comfortable stay at Kayi tribe, and come to Halime Sultan or Hayme Ana if you have any concerns" Ertugrul replied. He then placed his hand on his heart. "Thank you Ertugrul Bey, I definitely will" Nurgul replied. "Kizim, how come your mother and brother didn't come with you? You all could have joined us for dinner"Halime wondered. "Halime Hatun, they really wanted to come and thank all of you once again for helping us so much and saving our lives by giving us nourishment and protection, however my mother has gotten very sick, she has a cold and she keeps coughing and sneezing, she is resting in the tent and my brother didn't want to leave her alone" Nurgul explained. Halime gasped and put her hand on heart "Ya Allah, I hope she feels better, I will go and visit her tomorrow"She said. "May Allah (swt) grant her shifa"Ertugrul bey added. "Ameen" everyone said. "I'm sure Allah will grant her an extremely speedy recovery Nurgul, you just take care of her and let us know if she needs anything"Fatma Hatun reassured Nurgul kindly. "Thank you Fatma Hatun"Nurgul replied. "Does your mother have medicines and enough food and water?"Hayme Ana asked. "Yes Hayme Ana, Artuk Bey gave her a syrup to drink twice a day so inshallah she will get better"Nurgul answered. "Inshallah" everyone muttered. "musadenizle" Nurgul said quietly. Ertugrul Bey nodded. Nurgul then left the tent and the tent was quiet and peaceful again. "I am really worried about Nurgul and her mother Zeynep Hatun Baba"Savci said to Ertugrul Bey suddenly. "Savci, why are you so worried? Just pray for Zeynep Hatun to recover quickly, oh and also don't you want to be a doctor like Artuk Bey? Show us your skills and help cure Zeynep Hatun then!" Ertugrul teased. Everyone laughed.  

Will Zeynep Hatun get better? 

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