Chapter 3

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A/N: hiii guyss pls vote and comment if you're enjoying the storyy

3 days later... 

BOOM! Suddenly, the sound of drums banging extremely loudly ringed in the ears of everyone in the Kayi tribe. This was the sound that everyone knew too well. The one that makes everyone worry and say 'Hayirdir Inshallah'. At the ear-piercing sound of the drums, everyone stopped what they were doing and gathered to see who had arrived at the tribe. Halime Sultan, Hayme Ana, Hafsa Hatun, Fatma Hatun, Osman, and Savci all gathered together to see what was going on. "I hope Ertugrul has arrived Ana"Halime said to Hayme Ana. "Halime kizim, Ertugrul has gone to Konya, it will take him a few more days to arrive but inshallah he will return safely. Whoever has arrived now must be someone else". Halime nodded with a slightly sad expression on her face. Whoever had arrived to the tribe was approaching them now. There were three people, all on majestic white horses, galloping towards the main tent. "Who are these people Ana?" Osman asked Halime. "I don't know Osman, let's find out" Halime replied. The three people started to come closer now, there was one young girl who looked about Savci's age (17 years old). The girl was wearing a beautiful boysenberry purple coloured dress and a long, elegant headdress to match. She was wearing shimmering silver earrings that you could barely see behind her thick, modest headdress. Riding next to her was a tall woman wearing a light-blue coloured dress and matching headdress and a gold-coloured belt in which she sheathed her sword. Lastly, there was a young boy around Osman's age who was wearing alp clothes. When they got close to the main tent they finally stopped their horses and jumped off of them. First the woman stepped forward and began speaking to Hayme Ana. "Salem aleykum" She said with a smile on her face. "Aleykum salem, welcome to Kayi tribe" Hayme Ana responded sweetly. "Thank you, I came here with my children to seek shelter. We have been on the road for days, we have no food, no water, and no money. Please help us!" The woman pleaded. Hayme Ana was slightly taken aback, she looked at Halime and was unsure whether she should trust this woman or not. Suddenly Hafsa Hatun stepped forward and said "Of course, come inside our tent, we would never refuse to serve hungry and thirsty people food and water, come, have a seat". Hafsa began to lead the family into the main tent. Hayme Ana had a shocked expression on her face when this happened, she looked at Halime and Halime looked confused as well. Everything happened so fast. Once the guests were seated in the tent, Hayme Ana lead Hafsa Hatun into another tent to speak to her privately. "Hafsa, since when do you make decisions in this tribe? Are you the hatun of this tribe? Are you the bey's wife, mother, or sister? Who do you think you are to take these people into my tent, not even your own, but mine and start serving them food without even knowing who they are and without asking my permission? Shame on you Hafsa Hatun! Shame on you!"Hayme Ana yelled at Hafsa in rage. Then she walked away, muttering to herself. Hafsa took a deep breath, feeling angry and hurt and rolled her eyes slightly. Halime gave Hafsa a dirty look when she came into the main tent and sat down next to her. "Hafsa Hatun, leave now before Hayme Ana gets even more angry at you" Halime whispered to her. Hafsa then got up and stormed out of the tent. The guests were confused about this, but everyone ignored it. Halime, Hayme Ana, Fatma Hatun, Osman, and Savci were sitting in the main tent watching the guests eat their meal given to them generously ( a bit too generously as she gave them all the food Hayme Ana and Halime sultan had cooked for dinner that night, which the guests were gobbling down excitedly) by Hafsa Hatun. Hayme Ana decided to interrogate the guests and see if she could trust them, she wanted to help others but she had seen many, many traitors come and infiltrate their tribe and she wanted to make sure she didn't let anymore do that. "So tell me Hatun, where are you from? How did you and your children come here?" Hayme Ana asked. "My children and I were living peacefully in a beautiful cottage in Nikea, we were quite wealthy as my husband worked as a merchant. When my husband died, I needed to start earning some money so that I could feed myself and my kids. Someone told me to come to Sogut so I did and started selling jewelry in the bazaar but a few days ago, I left my stall unattended and when I came back I had been robbed of all my money and jewelry. So I came here, to the nearest tribe to ask for help. I have nothing, the people kicked me out of the bazaar because I didn't have anything to sell and I couldn't pay my rent" the woman explained. Hayme Ana nodded, she was pretty convinced by the story and felt empathy for the woman. "I'm sorry to hear that, you can stay in our tribe for now until you get yourself back on your feet"Hayme Ana kindly reassured her. "Thank you so much, also I forgot to tell you my name. My name is Zeynep Hatun and what is yours?"Zeynep Hatun asked. "Hayme Ana" Hayme Ana asked. Then everyone introduced themselves including Halime, Osman, Savci, and Fatma. Then Halime Sultan looked at Zeynep Hatun's teenage children and asked lovingly "What are your names?". The boy replied "Yigit". When Halime heard this she felt a pain in her heart, She remembered her brother Yigit who passed away many years ago and said a prayer in her heart for him to be granted Jannah. Halime's sadness, thoughts, and prayers were all interrupted by the voice of  Zeynep Hatun's daughter who said "My name is Nurgül". 

A/N: Did you enjoy the chapter? Who is Zeynep Hatun? Who is Yigit? Who is Nurgül? Can they be trusted? 

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