☆ Chapter 13 ☆

Depuis le début

How you told F.F about human life.

About love..

But..everything before the incident at the farmlands. F.F had just followed orders blindly. 

And..Jolyne..Jolyne risked her life for those she cared about.

And..Y/N..F.F saw how Y/N truly had came back to life..and began to treat everyone she cared about like a family..


F.F learned what love felt like. 

F.F had fallen in love with you. She finally understood what is was like to be human.

That was her intellect..

Raising her finger gun, she immediately swerved around, aiming her gun at D&G, only for a disc to be thrown into her head. She gasped out in pain, causing you to turn your head, allowing Pucci to grab you and pull you into the bars, causing you to hit your head. 

You saw Whitesnake forcing F.F to turn the gun towards herself.


The scream left your lips before you could even register what happened. Yet, seeing the black goop that had exited F.F's body gave you hope. You almost forgot F.F had been inhabiting a body..the one of your cellmate.

You then turned back to Pucci, and suddenly, Suspicious Minds entered the priest's body through his ears. "You're going to have to call off your Whitesnake now, Father Pucci. Your own life is at stake now." You spoke in a manipulating tone. "Wouldn't it be safer for you to come and attack me first? It would give F.F the advantage though, but no worries. You must have a plan to take out Y/N." You saw that Whitesnake was returning back over to its user.

"That's right.." You saw the vehicle start up, and smirked. "You lost, Father Pucci."

Your eyes then widened as blood came out of your mouth, and you clung onto the bars.


"Suspicious Minds was able to control me..yes. I must praise you on that, Y/N..you've learned so much..but it's time to say goodbye to your stand now."

You crumbled to the ground, the disc somewhat coming out of your head. Pucci stared down at your form for a moment. "You'll get it back eventually, once we get that filth out of you." He reached down to take your disc, only for his head to jerk upwards as he saw a pair of legs running away with a disc. Cursing under his breath, he paused for a moment, before shouting. "Don't let Foo Fighters get away, Whitesnake!" He shouted. 

Whitesnake chased after F.F, who reached the water. "Finally, I got my water..now I can go and find Jolyne..and have her get Y/N.."

Whitesnake's eyes narrowed. "Do you think I'll let you get that disc?" The stand questioned. F.F's eyes widened as she felt herself begin to heat up. "That water is boiling hot.." Whitesnake stated. 

"Y/NNNNNNN!" F.F shouted as she then began to disintegrate. You then shakily pushed the disc back in your head, your vision fading in and out. "F...F.F.."

What Whitesnake did had really messed your mind up..but luckily..you still had Suspicious Minds, as Pucci hadn't yet taken out the disc. Whitesnake walked over to the disc, only to hear a voice. 

"F.F? F.F, are you there?"

The stand's head whipped over to a walkie talkie.

"Answer me, F.F!"

Your eyes widened a bit. Weather.. this was great..F.F had contacted Weather. 

"I see..you're not in a state where you can talk right now. I can see. I just left the infirmary."

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