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3rd person's POV

You ran outside the church, feeling heart broken. 'Why did he have to manipulate me? Did he think it was funny?' You thought. You called Nene, "Nene, this is not the real world we are in" You said. She sounded, confused. "What do you mean? If this was not "The real world" then how am I still alive?" She laughed.

"I'm not crazy, Nene" You said to her. She frowns. "Are you alright y/n? It sounds like you are serious" She asked. "I am serious, b*tch" You said. Nene looked shocked. She has only heard you swear if you are really mad or insecure. "I was just joking.. Chill out n/n" She tries to calm you.

You calmed down, "Is Darnell with you?" You ask Nene. "The phone is on speaker, He heard it all" Nene said. "Good, meet me at the church" You hung up. 'Is everyone manipulating me now?' You sigh. 

Selever's POV

I heard them talking with their friend. They sounded very furious. "Brother, what's wrong?" rasazy asked. I pat her head. "Nothing sis.. Just go to bed now" I said as she went back upstairs. I look back at them, noticing that they're coming back here in an hour. 

'Sh*t' I thought. I went into the portal room, shutting down the portal. "Selever, What are you doing?" I look behind me, It was my mom. "Shutting down this f*cking portal" I told her. "Don't do that! The others wont get home safely and-" I paused her.

"THEY DON'T NEED TO LEAVE" I screamed at my mom. She looked at me with a sad but triggered look. "Why am I talking to you? You're just an Illusion.." I said as I made her disappear. I walked outside. Not noticing that rasazy listened to the whole thing.

"Rasazy, I-" She paused me. "I already know" She said as she walked off. Does she hate me now? Have I tricked her like the others? "What have I become?" I said as I sat down. Pulling out my phone. "But if only, you would want to stay with us" I said as I looked at the photo with me and y/n.

3rd person's POV

You sat outside the church, waiting for Nene and Darnell to come. "Y/n, do you need help?" Rasazy asked you. You shook your head, trying to hold back the tears. "This is just a dream right? I'm sure that you are just a dream and the person who I fell in love with is a dream too" You cried. 

"This world may be fake," She sat down next to you. "..But me and my brother are real" She said. You look at her with a slight smile. "Y/n, are you okay?" Darnell came up to you. You nodded. "Geez, and I thought it was something bad" Nene brushed off.

You all sat down. "But what do you mean, "This is not the real world"?" Nene asked. "My brother made a world for me and him, but when you three came into the church this world is making duplicates of the one in the original world" Rasazy explained.

Darnell looked at you. "So, you weren't crazy?" He said. Nene slapped Darnell. "Oh so you are real" She laughed. Darnell huffed. "You two look cute" You said, frowning. "I wish I could find someone like that" You said.

Selever walked outside. "You have me" He said. You groan in annoyance. "Leave them alone, brother" Rasazy said. "Hey, just trying to cheer the b*tch up" He chuckled. You smiled slightly. Then you notice that Nene and Darnell are smirking at you.

"What?" You asked. "This looks like love" Darnell jokingly laughed. "Hush! It's TRUE Love" Nene laughed with Darnell. "Remind me why I'm friends with you guys?" You chuckled. Nene hugged you. "Because you LOVE us~" She said.

Everyone laughed. 'This does seem nice.. but I want to go home..' You thought. 'But I wonder, if me and my friends exist here..'

'Will he exist?..' You sigh. 

*That one Bitch* Selever x Reader (Friday night funkin') (COMPLETED)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora