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I don't know what to say😂

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I don't know what to say😂

All hail melon lord!!!

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All hail melon lord!!!

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finally! some fan art! this is really beautiful btw❤

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finally! some fan art! this is really beautiful btw❤

aww, this has to be the best cross-dimensional pairing between steven universe and avatar!

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aww, this has to be the best cross-dimensional pairing between steven universe and avatar!

Sooo cute! 

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Sooo cute! 

I'm Still a bit shook up over the fact that Toph became a Police chief, but this is really just soo well done!

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I'm Still a bit shook up over the fact that Toph became a Police chief, but this is really just soo well done!


Done! well, I finalized the number of chapters for this mini-series, there are gonna be 3 chapters, so 1 more chapter to go! Woohoo! thank you all soo much for supporting this series, we seriously appreciate every single comment, read, and star on this story.



Avatar(ATLA) meme and fanart bookDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora