Chapter 1

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(Note: The picture above is baby Asta)One day, a woman named Richita was crying as a baby was

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(Note: The picture above is baby Asta)

One day, a woman named Richita was crying as a baby was. "Hush, Asta,don't cry. You're making me cry" Richita said in sobs.

After calming Asta, she went out and decided for the best to leave her son in a church at Hage Village.
"My boy, I am sorry but I need to leave you here." She said sadly. "Be a good boy, ok?" The baby cooed in reply.


Alerted by the loud sounds, she knew she needed to go. She looked back for one last time and said," I love you, Asta, my son..." and she went back to her place.

As Richita was on the path of her way home,she encountered an unconscious little thing,curiously she went over for a closer look and checked to see if it was alive. It was alive and the thing talked.

"Aren't you scared of me because I'm a devil?" "No, why would I be? Not all beings are evil."The devil became speechless and was happy inside that someone could actually like him.

"Do you have a place to live at?" "No." "Do you have mana?" "No." "Then live with me."she said cheerfully.

"What!? That was so out of the blue!?!" "Well, where else would you live?" "Ummm... I guess you're right, I don't have anywhere to live at ,because people would just come and kick me."he said sadly.

"Don't worry,starting now, I'll protect you." Richita promised him and he was happy. So they went home and she asked, "Do you have a name?"

"No."he replied flatly. "Hmmm..."Richita thought deeply.
"How about Liebe?" she asked him. "Liebe's nice, I like it."he said with a smile.

Richita taught Liebe to do some household chores, he was a fast learner but not so good at cooking, so Richita did most of the cooking.

It became their daily routine until 2 years later...

It was one sunny day, Liebe had finished his chores and so Richita told Liebe to go play outside and so he did. (By the way they are isolated from the population).

Richita's POV(Point of View)

I was cooking Liebe his favorite food,it smelled amazing, he will be so happy.

"Liebe, food is ready!" I called out to him but he wasn't answering.
"Liebe, this isn't funny. Where are you?" I asked, my gut telling me something is wrong.
So I went out and find him.


"Liebe there you are!" I was about to go to him but I sensed that inside Liebe was not him.
"Who are you? What did you do to my son's body?" I asked the thing.


Liebe's POV

I call Richita my mom so yeah. I am thankful she accepted me as if I'm her own son. I am glad. I closed my eyes to rest for a bit but when I woke up my body wouldn't respond. 'Who are you?' I asked.

'Did you actually forgot about me?'

I trembled just hearing the voice, the owner of the voice that had tortured me came back when I was in the underworld.

'Lucifero,' I suddenly became angry 'Why are you in my body?'

'Hahaha, I never thought you would be the first one to go here in the world of humans.' he said eerily.

'Let me go!' 'No.'

"Liebe!!!!" I heard mom say.

'No, don't come near me!!!' I shouted but failing to use my voice.

'Oh! Looks like I have have a plaything! *insert evil laughing* What could you do? You're the lowest ranking devil.'

"I am Lucifero, lowly human, I have come to make this world mine." he said to Richita.

Third Person's POV

'Well, not today.' Richita said as she uses her powers to drain Lucifero's life.

'Dang it, woman!' Lucifero said.

Suddenly, blood was dripping out of Richita's body,she and Liebe were shocked.

'Richita!!!' Liebe screamed.

"NO!!! I don't want to go bac-"Lucifero said as he was being sucked into the portal of the underworld.

Liebe gained control to his body. He quickly ran over to his mom. "Mom, don't leave me!" he said with sobs.

"Liebe, it's going to be alright. Look, I need you to do something for me." "What is it?"Liebe asked. Richita replied,"I need to seal you in this grimoire for 15 years. Find my son, Asta. You guys will be a perfect team."

"Wait, Mo-" he got cut off as Richita sealed Liebe in the grimoire.

Minutes later, Richita inhaled oxygen for one last time; 'I hope Asta and Liebe will meet.' she thought;being in awe with the scenery,she exhaled,and she died with hope.

to be continued...

The picture above is how Liebe looks like

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The picture above is how Liebe looks like.

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