Turf war Part 2

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The new members of the group known as the "phalanx" were none to pleased to learn that the leader they now worked under was the man that not only killed there boss but also their friends.

"I can see that all of you are wary and apprehensive to joining so I shall introduce myself." With a smirk and a look of superiority the man known as boss said "my name is Asgar and My ambition is simply to conquer each of the territories"

After quickly finishing his introduction the newly named Asgar turned heel and walked away from the crowd with his long black hair flowing and his coats brim waving, soon he left the warehouse in silence.

Taking his place were two men with a different air about them who started taking names and powers down like inventory. The loss suffered from the battle wasnt significant due to the quick intervention of the boss however the clean up after was another story.

"Name?" Said one of the 2 men who seemed as if he was handpicked from a cloning facility.

"My name is Gorm." Snapped a man with golden hair as if touched by the sun and silver eyes as piercing as the edge of a blade.

The man with a face that could be found anywhere perked up at this and called over the guy taking names beside him "Hey Ion come check out this kid, he thinks he's got the skill to talk back even though he was cowering the whole fight."

Ion looked over half surprised and with a simple look said "then should we show him why we're the bosses number 2, brother?" While nodding the brothers walked towards eachother and clasped hands.

With a flash what emerged from the light was not 2 but 1 person mockingly looking down on the dumbfounded kid and onlookers.

"That was the show and this is the encore!" Shouted the now 7ft giant as he slugged the kid named Gorm in the stomach and then quickly grabbed him by the shoulders before throwing him towards another new member.

As the kid was flying his body started humming like a power line before disappearing and popping up in front of the now fused giant "I may not be as fast as your boss but don't look down on me!" All in an instant like a replay of the gorrila and the boss, the kid kicked out at the behemoth


The behemoth slowly opened his eyes to see the ceiling and a lack of people around him. The empty warehouse gave no reply to why he was defeated by someone so young but he was fine as long as the boss didn't see it.

"How long are you gonna lay there anyways, Ion?"

With a sigh the behemoth sat up before looking over at the man who led his group "I thought you left?". While shaking his head Asgar replied "and I thought I hired a giant to not let kids make fools of us but what can I expect when I choose a friend as my second hand instead of someone famous" he said as he laughed.

"Oh and don't worry I had the other guys get the new members information while I got that brats myself" said Asgar as he started walking away. "And don't forget Ion. This is only the beginning.:

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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