28....(not sure what to name this one)

Começar do início

    “Okay then, Y/n,” he said, “I’ll have a nurse come check on you every few hours and if you need anything in between those times you can call us over here with your remote that was giving to you beforehand.”

    You nodded your head and you heard his footsteps leave your room. And a new pair came in.

You looked up to see Aizawa. You were a bit confused, and just turned away.

“Hey…” he said gently, taking a seat in the chair next to you, “how are you holding up?”

    You sent him an icy glare. Why would he even ask that? How COULD he even ask that? Was not obvious that you were slowly going insane here. Was it not obvious that you didn't want to be here. You wanted to be with Jin. 

    “Okay then…” he let out a sigh. Silence filled the room. It seemed like you could feel the tension  in the air thicken with every passing second.

    “What’s going to happen to Jin?” you asked, breaking the silence. 

“He’s going to have a trial sometime next month. And his sentence will be determined there,” he replied.

    You felt your expression crinkle, “How long do you think he will be in jail?”

“I'm not sure…..” he says, “but I’m sure it's going to be a long time,” he said, “I'm sorry, Y/n.” 

    You clenched your fists into your blankets, and your brows moved downwards into a scowl.

No. you're not,” you snap back quietly. 

    “Y/n?” he said. You wiped the few tears that head escaped your eyes, and sniffled. You couldn't look at him. You couldn't look him in the eyes after what happened. 

    “What,” you asked weakly. 

“What is your…..relationship with Masuda?” he asked.

    “Jin,” you say, “it’s just Jin. he doesn't use his last name anymore.”

“Then, what is your relationship with Jin?” he corrected.

    “What does that even mean?” you growl.

“It means exactly what it sounds like. I want to know how you know him and what your relationship with him is,” he says with a sigh. He seemed to be a bit on edge as well. Stressed. More stressed than usual.

    “Tch,” you clicked your tongue, “Why does that even matter? Seriously, you people just can't get your nose out of my personal life can you?!” you laughed.

    “Y/n this is a serious question,” he scolded you.

“He’s my best friend. I've known him since we were just little kids. I've known him my whole fucking life. Why?” you asked angrily.

    “Can you tell me about him?” he asked. And then you heard a little click, it would have been barely noticeable if the room wasn't so quiet.. You snap your head towards him, to see that his hand is in his pocket.

    “Are you fucking recording me!?” you snapped at him.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He took the small rectangular device out of his pocket and set it on the edge of your bed. 

    “Yes. it’s a necessary procedure, for a case like this, Y/n...You know that,” he says.

“Yeah. I do. And I think that it's a bunch of bull that you're trying to sneak around like that,” you cross your arms, “How heroic,” you roll your eyes.

    “Y/n, please just cooperate with me here. I'm trying my best here. I'm working with what material you're giving me,” he protests.

    “Whatever,” you say.

“Can you tell me about his quirk?” he asked. The nerve of this gut. Who the hell does he think he is?

    “No......Why? You don't have any creepy files on him? Is that a problem for your team of heros and detectives who are ‘investigating’?” you mock.

    “I’m getting really tired of this Y/n,” he says. And that made you laugh. It made you laugh very angrily at the audacity of this shaggy looking man.

    “Oh! I'm soooo sorry,” you say, “Please forgive my rudeness.” he glared at him, “but I didn't ask to be here. I didn't want to be here!” you yelled.

    He stood from his chair and took the small recorder with him.

“I'll stop by later on, once you seem to be in a better state of mind,” and with that he just left, and Kirishima walked in after him.

    Despite how angry you were, seeing him made your chest feel hot and your stomach did a flip.

    Your expression softened as he smiled at you. He looked much better than he did before. He looked less tired, and the bags under his eyes were almost completely gone. His hair was down, he wore lightly colored shorts and a dark shirt that fit him just right. And this boy was actually wearing socks and sandals. The sight made you smile… but then the image of the Kirishima you saw in your dream popped into your head, making your smile fade once again.


Word count: 1511

(A/n: Hi!!!! Sorry for staying away for such a long time. I've had a lack of motivation and the lack of a computer to type on....but I think I'm ok for now! So thank you guys for understand, amd i hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

Broken To Fixed Kiri X Reader(fem)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora