"Oh man..." Felix rolled his eyes in annoyance, then turned back to me.
"So?" The orange-haired one jumped back and forth impatiently, and you'd think he'd die if he didn't get the answer.
"Well..." I started nervously playing with my fingers while my heart started beating faster in my chest.
"We slept in a bed together..." my voice grew softer with each word and my gaze went to the floor.

There was a short silence until Felix let out his joyful girly scream.

Felix could really tend to exaggerate.

"I should get to class now." I immediately tried to get out of the situation and ran straight to the classroom, while Felix shouted something stupid after me.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

Normally I had the current class together with Minho but there was no sign of him yet. Even in the parking lot I couldn't find him anywhere.

Probably because of his car.

So I sat down in my seat and at the same moment a black-haired boy stormed into the room. Right on time Minho stepped into the room and came towards me breathing heavily. He dropped into the chair with a leap, his backpack placed beside him.

"You look like you ran a marathon." I stated with a laugh and Minho ran trough his hair with a heavy sigh.

"Since my car is in the garage, I had to walk." He explained, turning his gaze to me.
"Sorry for just disappearing this morning."

"Aaah don't be! It's fine." I started laughing nervously as last night came right back to my mind and scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"By the way, I would go to the dance practice right after school, are you coming then?" Asked the black haired one and I looked at him in wonder for a moment.
"You said you wanted me to teach you a few things." Minho helped me jog my memory and I nodded.

True, thanks to Felix I will be alone with Minho later and then also in a place where physical contact cannot be avoided.

On the one hand I was glad but on the other I would like to wring Felix's neck that he had put me in this situation.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

After class I went to our next class together with Minho.

"Hey Minho!" Suddenly sounded a high voice behind us and Minho stopped, I did the same.

Coming towards us was a black haired girl that was none other than Jihyo.

Immediately my mood went down the drain and I rolled my eyes inwardly.

"Hey Jihyo, what's up?" Minho smiled at her and immediately anger spread through me.

That smile was supposed to belong to just me....

"I was wondering if you were free for lunch after school? We could do something together and you could help me with my homework..." she leaned close to Minho and drew small circles on his chest with her index finger. Minho didn't seem to care at all.

"Well..." he looked over at me and I averted my gaze right back.

"I-" before Minho could continue talking I interrupted him.
"It's okay, you can teach me to dance some other time." It suddenly gushed out of me, although I didn't want to say that at that moment.

The black-haired one looked at me with wide eyes and I looked to the floor.
"You can go ahead and do something with Jihyo." Those were my last words before I just left then.

Jisung, what the hell are you doing!!!

My words were just driven by anger and actually I didn't even know why I was so pissed off now.

Let him do something with that Jihyo, I don't care.

But suddenly I was stopped as someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.
"Now wait Ji." Sounded Minho's voice behind me and I didn't dare turn around.
"Look at me..." he placed his hand on my shoulder and turned me in his direction, my gaze still downcast.

"You don't seriously think I would break our agreement and do something with Jihyoinstead?"

Slowly, I looked up at Minho, who gave me a soft smile.

Tentatively, I shook my head and immediately broke eye contact as Minho tousled through my hair.

"Come on, we should get to class." Minho put an arm around my shoulder and then dragged me to the next room.

If I'm honest, It would be no surprise for me if he would do something with Jihyoinstead.
After all, he had dumped me for a girl before.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

During the break I sat down at the lunch table where Felix, Hyunjin and Joengin were already sitting, still annoyed by this Jihyo.
"Someone's annoyed." the blond haired one stated and I ignored his observation.

"Are you okay Jisungie?" Joengin looked at me with concern and I just nodded as I shoved a load of peas into my mouth.

"You don't look so..." Felix eyed me critically as he was chewing.

My friends knew me too well on that point....

"I met Jihyo together with Minho." I finally said the reason for my bad mood and I saw Felix roll his eyes in annoyance.

From the looks of it, he disliked her just as much.

"She really can't let it go." the orange haired one clicked his tongue and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"You need to get on it, Ji. Maybe she'll snatch Minho right out from under your nose." started Hyunjin laughing and was taken straight to task by Seungmin.
"You're such an idiot!" Hissed the brown-haired guy and Hyunjin's look formed with regret.

Well, I couldn't blame him. After all, he was right. If I wasn't such a coward, I would have confessed my feelings to Minho long ago and who knows, maybe we would have even gotten together and lived happily ever after.

Tch... but unfortunately that only happens in fairy tales and movies.

"You have to tell Minho how you feel, otherwise you'll never have a chance." Felix looked at me urgently and deep inside I knew he was right. But I was afraid.

I didn't want to lose my best friend at any price, even if it tore my heart apart.

But... I wanted to take that risk.

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