Chapter 2: Never Enough

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Rafael Baumann

"This one better not run as long as Nick's did." I warn as I work on my tie for the rehearsal dinner standing between me and Evelyn. I had one thing on my mind walking into that spa and Evelyn's playful banter and confident sex appeal threw all that out the window.

"Hot date?" My older brother Christian teases working on our younger brother Liam's tie.

Kevin sips a cocktail and smirks over his glass. "You've seen Tara. She's both hot to look at and volatile in temper. I'm sure he has a hot date but doesn't want to reach her combustible state."

I roll my eyes. Tara girlfriend for the past two years. She has a reputation in my family...and beyond I guess, of being a bit of a drama queen. We've broken up several times due to different things. This latest split was bad, though.

She never liked my family. We're a lot to handle, but I think she never really gave them a chance. She always thought one of my siblings was out to get her. Like with this wedding. Tara went on a tirade and refused to attend because the resort we're at holds bad memories of a prior relationship of hers, something about the guy cheating on her during what was supposed to be their anniversary trip.

I'm an easy-going guy and realize that has to be a sucky memory, so I told her everyone would understand if she didn't come. Well she didn't accept that. First, she tried to convince my sister Marlee and her fiancé to move the wedding. When they told her that was unreasonable, she blew up and told them neither she or I would be attending then. When I told her that I wasn't missing my sister's wedding, she gave me an ultimatum.

Now, maybe some guys would have dumped her right there, but I was invested in Tara. As a friend, she helped support me during my roughest years of schooling. We grew closer after I graduated and could actually start to enjoy life. For as unhinged as she could become, she was usually quite fun to be around. Charismatic and nearly always the life of the party.

So I tried to make the resort more appealing. I told her we could reinvent the place in her memory and make it about us. Hence, the couple's massage at the spa and a few other surprises. I had pulled out all the stops and promised her that it would be worth her while if she came with me.

And she left me hanging. I was brooding about it because I saw it as the end. She gave me an ultimatum. I may have countered, but she didn't accept. In the end, I would never choose to be with someone who thought they could pull rank over my family. We were done.

So why not let myself have fun with the enigmatic beauty from the spa for the weekend? Tara made her choice and I made mine.

"I can't believe she caved. Maybe you should have been a lawyer, Raf. You're a master negotiator!" Marco, another brother, compliments me.

"I don't know how welcome she's going to be at the festivities after the bullshit she pulled, though. Definitely not tonight. She's proven she isn't ready to be a part of this family. You're meeting her after, right?" Christian mindfully inquires.

I nod. It's just easier to let them all assume that Tara is the one I'm meeting up with later. They'd raze the shit out of me if they knew I picked up some random chick in the spa. Liam, Joel, and Dylan are the playboys of this family.

I fend off anymore inquiries and we go have a lavish dinner dedicated to my sister and the love of her life. Marlee makes the fifth of my siblings to go through with marriage, joining my brothers Nick and Jan and my sisters Lyra and Mona. Christian is divorced from his high school sweetheart and the others are still young enough to not feel pressured that they are expected to follow soon. Not that my parents pressure those of us who are in that segment of life when society tells us we should be married soon or there is something wrong with us. My parents seemed grateful when there was some time to save a little in between.

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