💔💸💛"I'll protect you.."🧡🔮💔

Start from the beginning

With his boyfriend, Yasuhiro Hagakure.

~~With Yasuhiro~~

"Hmm.. cmon it can't be that hard to play.."
Hiro grunted out of frustration, why was playing ukuleles so difficult?!

Leon was all like, "It will be easy! You just gotta do this this this-" and it all made Hiro so confused!

He sighed and rested it down,
"I guess practice will make perfect.. at least not right now."
Yasuhiro gotten up from his bed, stretching out his body a little bit,
"Welp.. I think I deserve a Apple Juice, ive earned it."

He happily walked to his mini fridge and grabbed a juice box,

He grabbed the straw and poked it through the small hole, and took one gulp of the amazing tasting beverage.

"Ahhh.. that hits the spot-"

knock knock knock

"Uhhh LEON! If that's you, no I don't have your game controller and you should ask Chihiro!!"


'It's me you dingus, now open the door.'

Yasuhiro gasped and ran to the door, he opened it wide and open to see..
"Togami-Party!! Heyyy!!"

Hiro brought Togami into a big, big bear hug!!

"Aww babe I missed you! I never thought you come to the dorms!"
He let Byakuya down to his feet, "Come on in! Sorry if it's a mess.. I'll clean up soon."

Togami walked in into Yasuhiro's dorm room, Hiro shutting the door behind them.
The rich boy sat down on Yasuhiro's bed, the fortune teller joined him.

"So what brings you to Casa Hiro, babe?"
Hiro asked, yawning a slight bit afterwards.

"I just wondered if it would be alright if I.. possibly stayed with you for a couple of days in the dorm.."

Yasuhiro's eyes widened,
"Of course you can Togami! I'd never thought you'd ask!"

"If you don't mind me asking though, what's the occasion? I always thought you didn't like the dorms."

"Should I have to have a reason to see my boyfriend?"
Byakuya asked with a snarl, he clearly wasn't in the bestest of moods and Hiro could tell.

He raised his hands up,
"Hey hey, it's fine babe..! I was just asking that's all.. you don't have to have a reason."

For awhile.. there was an awkward silence between them. With occasional looking up to one another, but that wouldn't last very long.. only a moment.

Hagakure cleared his throat,
"S-so um.. you want a drink?"

"I don't-"

"YeAh I ThInk I'all HaVe A JUice Box TOo, bE Right bAck!!"
Yasuhiro quickly stood up from the bed and speed walked to his mini fridge, desperate to make some conversation.. he decided to get some apple juice to help. (It never fails!)

He grabbed two juice boxes and slowly walked back to the bed,
"Check it out! These boxes are huge, really refreshing too-"

"..Wait a minute, what's this forming on your cheek?-"

Byakuya gasped, and covered his cheek with hu left hand.
"It's nothing. You don't need to worry about it, okay?"

"B-but.. it looks pretty painful, are you sure your okay-"

Byakuya yelled, slight tears forming in his ocean blue eyes.. it didn't take long for them to fall down.

"You don't need to w-worry about me..! I said.. I'm fwine.."

Yasuhiro sat down on the bed,
"Babe.. something is clearly wrong.. look at you, your getting so upset.."

Hiro pulled Togami into a hug, this time.. more softer then the first time he had arrived.
"Listen.. I just want to make sure you're okay, and frankly I want to make sure.. nobody is hurting you. You don't just form bruises like that from being clumsy like me, yknow?"


"M-my dad.."

"Huh? Your pops?"
Byakuya nodded, hiccuping a lot.. it was hard for him to even say words at this point.

"Hwe hit mwe... hic."

Yasuhiro's eyes widened with shock.

Why would he hurt Byakuya?

To be fair Hagakure never had the greatest feeling about Byakuya's dad, every time Togami would talk about him he'd get upset.
But.. to go as far as to hitting him..

It disgusted Hiro.

This is why he wanted to stay in the dorm..
This is why he was so upset..and not in his usual calm mood.
This is the cause for his bruise..

This was the cause for all of Togami's worry.. all of his pain.. all of his stress.

Hiro was going to put an end to this.
He knew he couldn't go face to face with Byakuya's dad...
But with the small bit of power he had, he knew he could help Byakuya..

He pulled him into a tight hug..

"Baby.. listen to me, okay? I'm so so sorry for your garbage dad.. the worst of the worst. He doesn't have any valid reason to be laying a single finger on you, and he should know damn well to not.. hit you either."

"And since he doesn't.. you're gonna be living with me in the dorm.. hey, it's free! And I'll make sure to protect you.. I promise you, babe.."

Byakuya kept on crying into Hiro's chest, sadly unable to talk at the given moment.. Hiro didn't mind.
It's good to let your feelings out, holding them in will make everything so much worse.. and Hiro knew this.

Yasuhiro started to tear up as well,
"H-hey.. it's alright! Everything's gonna be alright..!"
He sniffled, wiping one tear away with his open hand.

"Everything is gonna be okay.."


YAY! I finally got out a Oneshot!! 😭

I'm so so so so sorry for taking so long!!
But.. I'm happy I got this one out by tonight ^^

Anyways, thank you all so much for reading!
Requests are closed for now, but they'll be open back up soon!

I love you all my little strawberries~ 🍓

Buhhh bye!


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