𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟴

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At the Company Dinner

*Cling* the sounds of people clinging their cup of beer and alcohol

"Ah~" the sounds of satisfaction can be heard once they had their first sip of the intoxicating drink

"Today is a day where we celebrate our newly found Anchor but is also the day where we cry and mourn the loss of our 4 interns and, and *begins crying* Yeosang," The director cried out

"Aish Director-nim we are not dying," one of the interns, Naeun said

"Still *sniff* you all are leaving me," He cries again

"Just one drink and he's down," Yeosang said as he gently places the director's head on his lap

"How are we supposed to know who's the new news anchor when he's like this!" One of the reporters laughed

"I don't know," Sona laughs seeing her superior looking like a baby at the age of 43

"AHHH!" The director begins throwing hands with his eyes closed

"I think he has a nightmare," Hyena laughs

"Haha yeah, Yeosang pat is back," Sona tells Yeosang as he gives her a disgusted look

Yeosang sighs "There *pat* there *pat* ".

"Let's get more drinks", "yes!"

After what seems like hours, Daeyul the Director finally woke up

"Do you wan- do you want to know who's the new ANCHOR!" The director mixed his words

"YES," Everyone said

"LET'S GET MORE DRINKS", "NO," one of them stops him

"Director-nim I love you and all but you've been asleep for like an hour, please no more drinks for you," He removes the shot glass from his hands

"Alright Alright *burp* the new News Anchor is-"

"Jeong," And then his head went back to Yeosang's lap

"JEONG? But we have 2 interns with the same surname".

"Mhm Jeong Hyekyu and Jeong Yunho," Gyuri pointed out

"Director? Director? Jeong who," Yunho shakes Daeyul

"Je- Jeong Yunho," The Director moves closer to Yeosang as he wraps his hands around his waist

Y'all Yeosang x Daeyul

Everyone looks at each other, happy that Yunho was the New News-Anchor but also sad that the other 4 didn't get the job.

"Congratulations Yunho!", "Yeah, you deserve the role", "The whole of Korea will be so happy when you sit on the Anchor's chair next week!".

"Thank you guys," Yunho smiles fondly at the interns

"And not only that but I've gotten really close to all of you," Sona said to the 4 interns

"Ahh Yeosang-shii I'm going to miss you," Sona said

"Yeah Yeah at least now you got Yunho to bully," Yeosang said


"What?" She questions


"Nothing," Sona smiles at Yunho


"Yunhoe! My new partner," Sona throws her hand over his shoulder

"Are you ready for this?" She asks

"Yes! After that live broadcast with Yeosang, I definitely feel much better and less nervous."

"Hmm ok ok".

"Sona and Yunho get ready on the live set, we're going live in 2!" The director shouts

Yunho and Sona looks at each other and goes up the set




"Good Morning Korea I'm Sona and today is the day where we will be revealing our newest Anchor."

"We would like to thank everyone for supporting each and every single one of our interns but only one can make it".

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome, Jeong Yunho," The Camera panels to Yunho where he sat with his black suit and tie

"Hello viewers I am Jeong Yunho and I'll be your NewsAnchor".

"Yes even though Yeosang is no longer an Anchor, you all will be able to see Yeosang live every Tuesday!" Sona said

"Now on to other news, an exhibition at The De l'art House displays artworks from Kim Hongjoong a Famous Artist. The entrance is free, provided that you have an identification card," Yunho says


"Thank you for your hard work," The two Anchors bowed to the crew members

"You did a good job especially for your first broadcast as an Anchor," Sona pats his back

"Thank you, oh yeah by the way do you wanna have lunch?" Yunho asks

"Of course, I would love that, I'm starving," Sona rubs her tummy

"Great I'll meet you downstairs in 30 Minutes?".



*Knock* *Knock*

"Come In!" Sona shouted through the door

"Ms Han you've been pretty close with Yunho since you apologised," Daeyul said as he sees her in her dressing room

"Oh Yeah?" Sona replied while removing her make-up

"Hell yeah, you both have been waiting for each other and he would bring you home," Sona ignores him

Sona raised her eyebrows "you've been stalking haven't you?".

"N-no I have not! Is just that I noticed the change in demeanour you have towards him.... Is there something going on?".

"Nope not at all," She turns around to face him "now will you excuse me, I want to eat".

"Alright then," Daeyul walks out

"Ahh personal space just how I like it," She lets out a heavy sigh as she remembers her scheduled lunch with Yunho


Both Sona and Yunho changed their attired clothing into something more 'them'.

Once Yunho reaches the first floor, he looks around to find Sona, she was leaning on a pillar with casual clothing. Yunho just stares at her, admiring her alluring beauty.

𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁!!

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