𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

213 12 8

Author's Pov


"Mr Jeong Yunho?" Yunho drifting from his thoughts

"ah yes?" back to reality

The newscasters and the director looked at each other. Sensing that they didn't like him Yunho quickly introduce himself.

"My name is Jeong Yunho and I want to be a news anchor," They stop looking at each other and adverted their eyes to him

"Ok Mr Jeong, tell us why do you want to be the new face of ANEWZ?" One of the Anchors, Yeosang asked

"Well I want to be the first person to relay the news and have trust in people that I have the correct information," He answers as he looked at Yeosang

Yeosang nods his head in acknowledgement

"In your testimony, it says that you have studied Journalism for 6 years and interned as a writer for MBS news. Why did you choose to be a news anchor when you are far more qualified to be a writer?" A reporter asked

"Those are just interning jobs, I didn't choose to be a Writer. I wanted to be an anchor for years," He answered

The two Anchors laughed at the reporter

"I guess they aren't that scary," Yunho thoughts

"Were you in any clubs that had to do with news reporting or anything like that in school?" The other Anchor, Sona questions

"Yes, I was a Co-host for a club called Butterfly Cast, where I broadcast news back when I was in University," Yunho answers

After that question, the interviewers looked at each other. Talking with their eyes.

"Ok Thank you Yunho you may seat in the waiting room, if we call your name means you passed the first interview," The Director said

"Thank You," Yunho bowed at them as he takes a leave

"Ah so much for a first impression," Yunho shakes his head as he walks out of the door

"Yunho!" Hyena called

"Oh hey".

"How was the interview?" She asked

"Good I guess except for the first part, I messed up," He said

"Aw that's okay, I'm sure you did well," She assured him

"How about you did you do well?" Yunho asked

"uhh, I.....THink I did well?" it sounded more like a question

Yunho tilts his head "What do you mean?".

"One of the reporters I don't know his name but he said Why didn't you audition back then while you still young, now you're too old to be one Pftt is not like anyone wants a person who judges when he should judge himself for that big fat tummy of his," She became Eminem in the whole sentence

"So how did you answer that?"

"I said, 'Well at least I look young unlike you!' and once the whole interview was done I said 'Thank you for contributing the low birth rates in Korea' to him in a blank face," She said

"AHAHAAH Tha- That was ico HAHAHAHA Oh my god I can't stop," Yunho wipes his tears

"Man that was iconic, I wish I was there"

"When I walked out I heard laughter in the casting room, I don't understand how can they be so professional. It's kinda scary, to be honest," Hyena shivered

"Well, that's their job and hopefully ours too".

She nods


All the chit-chatters stopped as they averted their eyes to the member

"Jeong Haekyu."
"Jang Gyuri."
"Han Naeun."
"Lee Hyena."

Both Hyena and Yunho look at each other, almost squealing in excitement

"And Jeong-"





The newly made friend made eye contact with Yunho, sadden that only one of them made it and it was her.

Along with the sadness were sounds of cheers from those that were called out

"Please celebrate later, the news director and anchors are waiting for all of you," The staff member said

"Go on, you deserve it," Yunho adverted his eyes to the casting room

"Sigh, I hope was hoping that we both could've made the first round," Hyena said as she stood up from her seat

"It doesn't make much of a difference anyway, only one of us get to be the new News Anchor amongst 20 people," Yunho said

"Thank you for giving me the stress formula and having faith in me," She said as she looks at him

"That was nothing, now go on you have a role to have," Yunho lightly pushes her towards the door

She glared at him but that quickly turned into a smile "thank you," She said

As he sees the others walk into the casting room he sighs and packs his bag

"Urgh now I need to wait for someone else to leave or get fired from being a news anchor," he said while zipping his bag frustratedly

Once he was done zipping his bag he begins to walk out of the green room but....

"Ah shit I forgot to ask Sona for her autograph," He slaps his forehead

"Sure! Where do I sign?".

𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁!!

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