Chapter Four

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>> Las Navadas - 3:00 PM <<

Nick hurried into the mist of the first crowd he saw, not entirely sure how to get away from the two following him, all he knew is he had to get them lost so he could make it back to George before it was too late. Smirking as he saw a near by shop he slipped in and gazed out the window watching as the two figures disapeared further into the crowd.

The texan knew he would have to wait out the rush a bit before going back into the woods to find George, to make sure that Drista and Ranboo actually kept forward rather than backtracking the stores looking for him. with that being said the small male turned on his heels looking through out the store for things he may need. such as healing pots or swiftness. As Nick browsed the shop something had caught his eye, something he hadent seen before during his potion shopping trips. It was a green crystal like orbe that seemed to hover in its spot. Nick picked it up carefully and carried it to the front desk. "U-uhm- hello?" Nick akwardly waited for the shop keeper to turn to him, as he did Nick noticed two brownish cat ears and fur that covered the body of the keeper. "Ah! Hello! how may I help you today?" He spoke in a gentle yet happy voice, the Texan enjoyed this quite a bit

"Could you...tell me what this is please?" Nicks gaze landed on the cat hybrid's blue eyes as he looked at the orb and hummed "That would be an eye of ender! surprized you got on to say the least, theres a young man who comes in here to buy them all up every shipment. Bit strange but not exactally my place to ask why one does such stange things" he purred. Nick's eyes landed back on the eye, looking it over once more before placing it on the counter "If thats the case, I'd like to get the last one." He smiled as the merchants tail swayed, curling and uncurling every so often.

The texan paied for the small item, thanking the merchant as he left, a gentle smile resting on the Cat's face as he waved Nick off. Deciding to keep it hidden Nick placed the eye in his backpack and started off tword the Tavern.

Word count: 403 words

Im so so so sorry for this one not being much longer! its been so long since ive written a chapter for this I kinda forgot where I wanted to go with it QwQ

But I promise you guys will like the next chapter!! Buh-byeee ILY alll!!!

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