Chapter Two

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>>October 15 11:13 AM - Nick's Kinoko Cavern<<

George and Nick had spent the past few months gathering food taking care of panda(yes thats his name) and just overall bonding. Nick had grown quite fond of George's strange habbits too. The normal sleeping till noon on, in his words, his oh so comfy bed with his oh so warm blanket. George always being tired or complaining about staying up to gather food was also quite normal. and the brit's colorblindness of which nick often teased george about. Everything had just became normal to the Texans routine so he didnt mind any of it much.

Nick was in the living room relaxing on the cool October morning while panda slept peacefully on the black haired boys lap. breathing in and out quietly, everything was pretty peacefull in the morning and Nick was rather happy bout it too. that was, untill he heard voices from outside and stood up quickly going to a nearby glass paine and looking out of its dull tint. "Navadas hunters....isnt this far out of their gate? no...were a good two hour fucking walk from the gates of the Kinoko ruins to begin with...." he took a closer look, there was a female and a rather tall male, much larger than a normal human "supers...they have to be, but from where?" Nick quickly ran to George's room to where he had been staying the past three months to warn him not bothering to knock as he turned the oak knob. He scanned the room that had been painted a royal blue, George's favorite color due to it being one of the few he could see with no struggle. books were nicely stacked, papers orginized on desks. what had he been doing? Nick had thought to himself as he came to a conclusion the brit was not in the room nor in the house at that as he would have heard him at least say good morning, he looked over at the dest with papers sprawed, the being the only messy part of the room. "Mellohi banks." quickening speed-walk from the already almost run he grabbed some things stuffed them in a bag, grabbed panda and left. The texan did his damn best to avoid the two supers. Though sure enough curiosity got the best of him and he sat quietly watching them behind smaller trees and waiting to see what they would do.

"He said they would be out here....didnt he?" the taller one spoke as the female only looked off to the side. they were both wearing masks of different colors, the tall having a black and white mask with a smile painting its edges almost perfectly, while the smaller one had a lime green mask with a frown on it. "look. you didnt have to follow me, just because im his so called family or whatever the hell he calls me doesnt mean I want to be followed by a fucking 9 foot enderman bodygaurd." she growled annoyance lacing every inch of her voice as she looked up at the taller brunnet "eight foot seven inches..."

"same difference."

As nick watched he had lost focus on Panda who was walking closer to them "Panda no...!" he spoke in a quiet tone, though to his luck panda didnt hear him and began knawing on the brunnets leg as he had done with George three months back "ow..." he looked down and picked up panda "awe...hes kinda cute..right drista?" he smiled looking at the girl who just hummed looking around "cute or not theres no bamboo forests anywhere near he has to have either wondered off or belong to someone." she scanned the area only to spot tracks leading to the small trees "and id say by the looks of it I think that baby's owner has been following us ranboo." Ranboo nudged his head to look and saw Nick who just looked back with narrow eyes. Ranboo let panda softly to the grass that crunched under his feet a bit as he ran back to Nick "why are you two so far from Navadas. in a ruins at that." Nicks eyes stayed like arrows at the two

"you know, we could be asking you the same question..." dristas eyes narrowed back at Nicks as they both looked at one another. "Pandas?" Drista questioned. that question alone sent an unwelcoming shiver down his spine as the only thing he realized he was doing was running, the direction away from Mellohi Ruins at that the cool grass and dried leaves crunched below his feet as he ran twords Las Navadas, Ranboo and Drista followed him leaving panda to sit in the cold by the house.

"please be ok you two..."

>>Mellohi Ruins - 1:02 PM<<

George sat quietly along the grass as he looked up the stoney path hill the rain had settled in thirty minutes prior, he didnt mind it much though. the feeling of the cold wet droplets on his nose as he sat under a small tent he had made out of wood and leaves felt nice. admaration sat in his gaze as he looked at the village. it was still almost perfectly in tact but who had been keeping it like this? george sat for another few moments before deciding to get up and run through the rain into an older shop that was partly broken down. Most of it stayed standing though years of fighting but there were stray wooden planks missing from a wall or two and glass paines shattered here and there. no moss though. The brit found it strangs how even after fifty years Mellohi village still stayed standing pretty strong. though most of the fighting was centered around Kinoko Kingdom and L'manburg. L'manburg had been the place that George grew up near. well on the docs beside it anyway. His mother, Lore woman, as the Lmanburgians called her had left the brits father at a young age in hope to stay abroad of the fighting so that George could live a safe and happy childhood. Once george had turned 13 L'manburg had abrupted into violent tendancies, with the original leader gone. William Soot, or wilbur, and Tommyinnit had taken their seats as leader of L'manburg.

The brunnet was snapped out of his thoughs by the knocking of wood. someone else was here. George panicked as his head turned in the matter of a millisecond to see who it was. at the cracked frame of the door stood a rather small boy, his hair sat in a chocolaty brown fluff atop his head, along with curled ram horns to either side. a large scar covering about half his face to the left. "Helloooooo! I didnt think anyone else still lived here! Im Tubbo." The boys tone put George at ease for the most part, he spoke without seeming to have a care in the world. "George..." The brunnet smiled at the younger one as Tubbo made his way over to George "Do you really live in this busted up shop? Ive never seen you around here before." he questioned as the other male chuckled "No...I uhm, came to visit. My family used to live here before the whole supers are bad shit."

"yeah the Lore family really convinced people didnt they? haha" Tubbo looked off to the side at his own words and only sighed. Guilt arose in George's chest as if this had been his fault in some sort of way, his grandfather had been the start of it all. but honestly if you think about it. no matter who it was, who started the fighting...."

"would the outcome have been any different?"

Word cound: 1.3k

Sorry for splitting the chapter up I wanted to get more done but family and I re-wrote the Proloug early. BUT I do have a good idea on where to take all of the story from here, Dont be afraid to give me suggestions on where to take the characters!

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