Chapter 10: Austin, Our New Detective

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"So?" Jojo looked around at everyone. "What kinda evidence did we get?"

"We have this information written in Alex's journal-- er, notepad!" Lara said, her eyes still looking a little sore from crying. She passed the book over to Jojo.

"So this is useful, but Jackson's got some explaining to do first. Part of his sleeve was in Alex's hand when we found his corpse there." Jojo muttered, looking at the notes on the journal.

"We can't assume it's him." Austin replied to Jojo. "He was hidden with me the first night, remember to keep that in mind."

"He was framed!" Lara exclaimed. " I saw him get chased into the room over there!"

"Well, I don't believe you." Alab said. "Tell us what really happened. Convince us."

So I told them. I explained where I was, how I ran from the couch and left my jacket behind. I explained that the person left me, and went to attack Alex instead.

"There's a bunch of evidence that it's not Jackson." Austin said. "The concrete floor was only wet in certain spots, and the floor from the door and around the chair wasn't. If it were to be Jackson, his shoes and pants would be dry."

"How do we know he didn't just hide there after he killed Alex?" Haneen asked.

"Well, I couldn't tell you that exactly. However, I have more information that proves that Jackson is innocent. See the yellow fabric from his sleeve? The fabric wasn't ripped from his jacket, it was a clean cut. The murderer sliced the fabric from his jacket when he left it behind on the couch and used it to frame him." Even I hadn't known Austin was this good at problem-solving.

"Wait! One more thing!" I added. "The killer had this strange voice… Like a robotic voice. They also had a cloak, a cape thing, that was black to cover their body."

"...I don't know if it helps much, but maybe for future reference…" I muttered, seeing nobody intended to speak.

"If Alex fought back he would have ripped off part of the cloak instead of his sleeve." Austin added, after having to think for a minute.

"About that first part… why would they have a voice like that?" Haneen asked.

"Because it's a mask that changes it. So they can't be figured out by their voice." Jamila stated. Silence followed.

After another minute of thinking, Austin spoke up again. "Jamila. . . How do you know that?"

Jamila's eyes went wide and she covered her mouth.

"I-I-I SAW ONE OF THEM! I DIDN'T-" She started to yell.

"But how did you know that the mask was what changed their voice, hm?" Austin asked. "If you ask me, that sounds fairly suspicious."

"Your name was also in the evil list in Alex's book." Lara said. "If you know that AND your name is in the book I want to think that it's you…"

We all looked around at one another, exchanging nods and glances. Jamila looked up in fear.

"I-I was nowhere near Alex when the lights went out! I left to use the bathroom! You saw, Alab!"

"She wasn't with us on the couch there… she has a point… oh, god, I'm confused!" Alab backed away from the group.

"Guys… the TV again." Jo pointed out.

[Are you guys ready to vote? Your debate is getting good!] The TV flashed.

[Well, shit, I don't care if you're not ready! Go vote!]

Nobody moved a muscle.

[Ooooh, and I forgot to tell you… if nobody votes, everyone immediately dies! Have fun!]

A few people took out their devices for voting. I looked at everyone trying to decide-- Me or Jamila-- and crossed my fingers. I, too, took my device and voted for her. I hoped it was enough for me to live.

[Everyone has cast their votes.]

[The person who has received the most votes is...]

[. . .]

I could hear my heart pounding, could feel the sweat dripping down the sides of my face. Austin had proved my innocence, but what if I was still voted for? It was either me or her.

[. . . . . .]


Lights Out.  (a roblox flicker story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon