Chapter 4: Voting.

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"Jackson. Jackson, wake up!"

I rubbed my eyes and found myself laying on the green couch. "Was that a dream?" I thought to myself- but if only I knew what would happen after I opened my eyes. I was still stuck in the house and my stomach ached for some reason, but at least I wasn't dead yet. Lara was standing beside the couch, with her friendly smile, but even she's looking a bit jumpy, her eyes darting around from me, to the shadows in the room, to the other people, to the now useless TV. Jojo, Jo and Austin were all nearby, also not looking, well, normal.

"Hey. You were out for a little while." Lara said, but contrary to normal, her voice had lost the emotion in it. I still couldn't speak. I looked for the bodies- the limbs- but they seemed to have disappeared. Jo noticed where I had been looking.

"We moved them to lay to rest in the big, empty room. They hadn't deserved-" Jo's eyes caught the TV. I looked up to where she was now staring.

[Now that everyone here is awake...]

[I forgot to say. You will be voting for who you believe is the murderer.]

[If you vote out the correct people, you will be let go... but if you don't, well, you know the drill!]

I could feel my heart sinking. All of this was true.

"Well? How do we start this?" Jane asked. "We have to send out somebody."

Alex cut in, speaking for the first time since we had stumbled across this place.

"Well, I had hid in the storage room when the lights went out. And Lara was with me. It's not me." He had a notepad in his hands, which at that point I wasn't sure what it was used for.

"Alex is telling the truth." Lara said.

Elizabeth continued on. "Alec and I are safe. We... we had tried to hide somewhere in the kitchen- I'm happy neither of us were targeted--"

Alec nodded. "Agreed, and what she's saying isn't wrong."

"And I hid with Haneen and Jane." Alab muttered, but the words came out as barely a whisper.

"I can confirm that." Jane said.

"B-but-- I-I-I- I was alone, but I remember r-running into the closet Alex and Lara were in right near the end--" Dan muttered. Silence followed, but neither Alex or Lara confirmed or denied what Dan said.

"So," Jojo continued, "That leaves us Tamia, Austin, Jackson, Jamila and Jo."

I had to get myself and Austin's heads off the chopping block.

"Well, before I fainted, I was hiding with Austin." I saw Jojo smirk, and I remember giving him a glare.

"He's not wrong, Jojo." Austin said. "Plus, you better remember that we're not trusting you. Who knows, it could be yourself."

Before we got any further with trying to figure anything out, the TV started to form words again.

[Conversation time is up!]

[You will now be voting for the person you believe is the murderer.]

[There will be a device in your pocket to choose on who you think did it.]

[The person who ends up with the most votes will be executed.]

"Executed?!" Tamia yelled. "Like, death executed?!" But the TV didn't respond back.

I felt my pocket again. There was a small device that had everyone's name on it. I couldn't help but to press Jojo's name. I no longer trusted him.

[The votes have been cast.]


[Tamia had the most votes.]

"Wait no no no, I'M SORRY!" Tamia screamed as, suddenly, a floorboard cracked, split, and she fell through the floor, her shrieks echoing around the room... and she continued to scream as she fell, until they were suddenly cut short by the sound of her hitting the ground below. The floor repaired itself.

Nobody spoke for a long time. The only thing I could hear were Alec's muffled sobs.

Suddenly, Jane, who seemed to always notice things first, ran over to the rest of us.

"Guys! I found a journal with her name on it!"

"What does it say?" Jo asked, in her normal whisper-like voice.

She looked back at us, hesitating, then opened it.

"I'm a survivor. My goal, eliminate the evil team. My abilities, nothing. A pity I can't do anything..."

"So she was like me," I thought.

Lights Out.  (a roblox flicker story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu