Chapter Seven

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Droplet yawned, stretching out her wings. She looked around, at the small island she'd slept on. Even with the help of the enchanted bracelet, she'd been exhausted from the day, and had collapsed on the first island she saw.

Now, she rolled over and gazed up at the sun. It was well past dawn.

With a sigh, Droplet sat up and blinked around. Nothing but sea in every direction. So... Now what? 

Her stomach rumbled.

Now I find some food.

It was easy to catch three plump fish. They were large and salty and entirely more amazing than the watery river fish back home. Still, Droplet wished she could return more than anything.

I can. Can't I? I can just turn around and fly back.

No. You must keep going, Droplet. Behind you is nothing but shame and fear.

Droplet shook her head to clear it. She retrieved her bag, spread her wings, and lifted into the air. By now, Tsunami and the others must have realised she was gone. They must be worrying. But Droplet kept flying, each beat of her wings carrying her further from her family.

It's better this way. She told herself. If you go back, they won't love you any more.

Droplet flew through the day, going at her own pace, not caring that she lost most sense of direction. She passed several small islands but didn't stop until late evening, when she found a large, overgrown island covered in huge trees and rock formations.

Exhausted, Droplet landed on the beach and walked over to a clump of ferns. She laid out her sleeping mat and curled up, head on her talons.

Maybe I can live here. She thought drowsily. It seems nice. Lots of trees and ocean.

She let her eyes flutter shut, and drifted into a hazy sleep. Dragons danced through her dreams, screaming at her to come back, begging her to stay away. Emerald ran towards her, but before he could reach her, his limbs turned stiff and his scales turned to wood. Green paint poured over him, washing him away. Riptide flew through a storm, fighting his way towards Droplet. But a huge wave crashed over Droplet and dragged her down into the ocean, where Queen Coral waited with blank eyes and a red line across her throat. Orca loomed out of the ocean behind the queen, sharp teeth flashing, lunging towards Droplet's throat.

Droplet woke up screaming, her wings tangled in tall grass.

It was just a dream. She told herself, trying to slow her breathing. Just a nightmare. That's all.

Still, her talons fumbled for her bag, where she found a round piece of glass rimmed with silver. She hadn't tried using it before, but she was desperate for a glimpse of her family. She needed to see that they were ok, that they would be ok without her. 

"Emerald." She whispered.

Instead of the ferns and weeds visible through the glass, a sandy beach appeared, with a pair of leaf green talons sinking into it.

Droplet tilted the glass, moving it to see a different part of the scene. Emerald's face, creased with worry, appeared before her, as real as if he were standing next to her.

"Where could she be?" He asked, looking at someone Droplet couldn't see. She moved the glass until it landed on Rainstorm, who was clawing furiously at the sand.

"I don't know, squid brain." She growled, staring at the ground. "Her stuff is gone. She probably got scared and ran away. You know how she is with animus magic."

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