Chapter Two

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Droplet beat her wings, soaring away from Jade mountain. She flew next to Clay, the MudWing who was one of the founders of the school.

"Thanks for helping me get everything organised." Clay said, bumping his wing against hers and nearly sending Droplet out of the sky.

"No problem." She said, smiling. 

Clay was one of the most loyal dragons she knew. He loved Tsunami and Sunny and Starflight and Glory, the four dragonets he was raised with, more than anything. He was like an uncle to Droplet and her siblings. 

"We're almost there." Clay said, and his stomach rumbled, and he winced. "I hope Queen Coral brings food when she meets us." 

Droplet laughed. 

"What's funny?" Heat crackled against Droplet's scales as a third dragon flew over to join them. "What happened? Can you tell me the joke? Is it important?" 

"I was just saying that I hope there's food when we get there." Clay said patiently.

"Oh. Ok. Ha ha." A dragon with burning copper scales flew up beside Clay. "I mean yes, food is good. No one likes when I hunt for them though, because then everything's all scorched and ashy. Picky dragonets. I think food tastes best burned." 

"Really? I like it raw." Droplet said, and Peril huffed. Most dragons were afraid of the SkyWing, which was fair. She had Firescales, which meant she could kill dragons or set things on fire just by touching them. But Droplet had grown up living near Peril, and she honestly quite liked the SkyWing. Peril was really careful, anyhow, to not burn anyone. 

"You sound just like Turtle." Peril said. "One time, he got me to try raw fish by throwing it in my mouth. It was all slimy and gross."

Droplet giggled. "Suit yourself."

For a few minutes, they flew in silence. Then Tsunami called out for the winglets to stay near their group leader and follow them to land on the beach.

Droplet said bye to Clay and Peril and went to fly at the back of the sapphire winglet with her siblings. One by one, the winglets swooped down and landed on the long, sandy beach, gazing out at the seemingly endless kingdom of sea.

While the older dragons were organizing and counting the students, Droplet crept closer to the ocean. She set her talons down in the dark, wet sand, giggling when the waves gently crashed to shore and lapped over her claws.

"I know we come here all the time, but it's just so pretty." Droplet breathed.

"Yeah." Emerald said, flicking his powerful tail across the water and spraying Rainstorm with glittering drops. She snarled at him and sat down on the other side of Droplet, claws sifting through the sand.

There was a disturbance in the water, waves parting and growing, and suddenly a group of SeaWings rose out of the ocean.

"Tsunami, my baby!" Cried the one in the lead. Queen Coral, Droplet's grandmother and Queen of the SeaWings.

"Mother." Tsunami said, stepping forwards. Coral swooped down and wrapped her daughter in a fierce hug.

"You really should come to visit more often. Your sisters would love it. And it would be good for your dragonets." She let go of Tsunami and turned to face Droplet, Emerald and Rainstorm. Without hesitating, she wrapped her wings around them and pulled them into a group hug. "My other babies! How are you, little ones?"

"We're not little anymore." Rainstorm complained, squirming out of Coral's grip. "We're four years old!"

Coral smiled and nuzzled Rainstorm's cheek. "Of course you are, little one! So big already!" 

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