My own gang

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I was seventeen almost eighteen those were some of the best years of my life. My name is Courtney I have long blonde curly hair and bright blue eyes. I'm a greaser though I don't belong in Tim shepherd's gang even though he live just two houses from me nor do I belong in Darry Curtis's gang. I am my own gang. my dad left when I was three so for the most part my older brother acts like my father. I hate it, he's two years older than me. I love rodeos I barrel race and I'm pretty good too. My brother considers himself apart of Tim's gang. I had heard a lot about Darry Curtis's gang, I know soda on a first name basis we talk a little when I go to the DX but that's really it I was told to say away from Danny or Davis winston or whatever his name is by my brother but he's the last person I would listen to. His last name "Winston" did sound familiar.

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