"Piss off. He was just gonna-" said Katsuki.

But then Present Mic shouted "ALRIGHT! BEGIN!!!"

The teens rushed into the area. As soon as they entered they were greeted by multiple giant robots. Izuku pulled up his sleeve, pressed the button on his wrist device, and his shield appeared. Katsuki unzipped his jacket and double tapped his arc reactor, and his armor formed around him. Shoto jammed the bottom of his walking stick into the ground, and it turned into Stormbreaker. Izuku threw his shield at one robot, Katsuki fired repulsor blasts at another, and Shoto threw Stormbreaker at another. The other teenagers were in shock and awe at the three.

Meanwhile with the teachers...

Nezu, Aizawa, Inko, Toshinori, and the other teachers all sat in a room watching the students take the Entrance Exam.

Toshinori and Inko noticed a hooded kid with a holographic shield, a hooded kid with an electric axe, and a kid wearing an Iron Man armor, all destroying robots.

"Are those the Avengers?!" said Toshinori.

"They're the Avengers' new recruits. The one with the shield is Steve Rogers's successor, besides Falcon of course. The one with the armor is Tony Stark's successor, and the one with the axe is Thor's successor" said Nezu.

"Well who are they?" asked Inko.

"You'll know soon enough" said Nezu.

Back with the Avenging Trio...

Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto had just finished trashing some robots, when suddenly the ground started shaking. They turned to see a giant Zero Pointer robot going on a rampage.

All the other teenagers ran away from it. "That thing's too big for us to fight. Plus we won't get any points from destroying it, anyway. Let's fall back" said Katsuki as he and Shoto flew away.

Izuku was about to fall back as well, but then he heard someone calling for help. He turned to see Ochako trapped underneath some rubble, with the Zero Pointer about to step on her. Izuku ran towards her.

"Izuku, what are you doing?!" shouted Shoto.

Izuku threw a massive energy shield at the robot's head, distracting it. He then ran over to Ochako and lifted the rubble up with his super strength, then pulled her out from underneath.

He then grabbed Ochako and carried her back to the others, bridal style.

He set her on the ground. The horn also went off, signaling that the exam was over.

"Is your leg ok?" asked Izuku.

"It hurts a little. But I'll be fine" said Ochako.

"Relax. I got this" said a short old lady in a doctor/superhero costume as she walked over to them.

She kissed Ochako's leg, and it was all better.

Ochako looked up at Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto. "Who are you three?" she asked.

"We're the Avenging Trio" said Katsuki.

After that, the Avenging Trio packed their things and were about to head home when they ran into Steve, Nat, Tony, Pepper, and Thor in the hallway.

"What are you guys doing here?" asked Shoto.

"Listen. The principal of UA thinks it's best your biological parents and your sisters know what happened to you boys. So they're in the principal's office and we're gonna talk to them real quick" said Tony.

'Shit' said the Avenging Trio in their heads.

They entered the principal's office where they saw a mouse/bear creature in a suit, their parents, and their siblings all standing there.

"IZUKU?!?!" said Toshinori, Inko, and Izumi.

"KATSUKI?!?!" said Mitsuki, Masaru, and Katsumi.

"SHOTO?!?!" said Enji, Rei, Shoka, Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo.

"Yeah, bitches, it's us" said Katsuki.

Toshinori, Inko, and Izumi tried to hug Izuku, but he activated his shield and blocked them.

"Back off" said Izuku.

Mitsuki, Masaru, and Katsumi tried to hug Katsuki, but he activated his armor and aimed his repulsor rays at them.

"Keep your fucking distance" said Katsuki.

Rei, Enji, Shoka, Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo tried to hug Shoto, but he transformed his walking stick into Stormbreaker and blocked them with it.

"Piss off" said Shoto.

"Izuku, you're Captain America's successor?!" said Toshinori.

"Katsuki, you're Iron Man's successor?!" said Mitsuki.

"Shoto, you're Thor's successor?!" said Enji.

"Damn right we are. We're also their sons now" said Izuku proudly.

"WHAT?!?!" said their families.

"That's right. Me and Black Widow adopted Izuku" said Steve.

"Me and Pepper adopted Katsuki" said Tony.

"And I have adopted young Shoto" said Thor.

"You can't do that! Izuku's our son! Not yours!" said Inko.

"Katsuki's our son! You're not taking him from us!" said Mitsuki.

"If you think you can take my son from me, then you're very much mistaken!" said Rei.

"You lost the right to call them your sons. We know you neglected them ever since you found out they were quirkless. We actually pay attention to then and spend time with them, which is more than you've ever done for them" said Natasha.

"That's correct. Nick Fury told me what you've done. And unless you want to go to jail for child neglect, you'll let them be with their new guardians" said the mouse/bear creature.

"Who, or what, are you?" asked Izuku.

"Oh I'm Principal Nezu. I'm the principal of UA" said Nezu.

"Izuku, please come home! We're sorry!" said Izumi.

"Piss off. You told us to kill ourselves" said Izuku.

"We'll be leaving with our sons now" said Tony.

Shoto turned to Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo. "You three were always nice to me, so I'll visit you guys every now and then" said Shoto.

Izuku, Shoto, and Katsuki then left with their parents, while their biological parents and sisters kept calling them back.

After that they got on a Quinjet and flew back to the Helicarrier.

A few days later...

The Avenging Trio were practicing their fighting skills in one of the training rooms, when Steve entered the room with three letters in his hand.

"Alright, boys. Your letters from UA are here" said Steve as he handed the three of them their letters.

They each went to their private quarters and opened their letters. They each got the same message, it showed Nezu telling them that they got some of the highest scores in the Entrance Exam, and that they were accepted into UA and would be placed in Class 1-A.

They each cried tears of joy, knowing that they're dreams were finally coming true.

Thanks for reading.

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