Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"That's just it," Alexander said, making me frown as he glared at me, jerking his hand away and giving it a shake, "This time you got shot. You're lucky to even be alive right now. You have no idea how dangerous these people can get. They can and will kill you."

"I get that," I drawled, "I'm human. I can die. I get that. I've known that for a while now, but I'm not gonna die without a fight. I won't let myself die so long as Julian's with me." Alexander winced, then made a noise of frustration, stomping his foot.

"You just don't get it! Why are you so stubborn?!"

"That's just what Zephyra's gonna say when I'm finished with 'em." I answered calmly, looking down at my arm to study the white gauze around it. Alexander had gone silent now and just flopped back into his recliner, covering his ears in a way that told me I had given him the ultimate headache. I smirked, then looked away with a frown at my arm.

Why did Julian leave? Was he all right?

And did they even kill the group that was at the hotel?

I had a lot of questions, but nobody could answer them, except Julian and I wasn't able to see them as the doctor and nurse came in to check up on me, giving me my pain meds. And to make matters worse, Alexander had somehow gotten into contact with my parents, who rushed into the room as I was finished changing into my clothes. My mom threw her arms around me tightly, making me hiss past clenched teeth.

"You're crushing my arm." I seethed, making her jump back with a wince. My mother wasn't too much to look at; plain with wavy dark brown hair to her shoulders and hazel eyes with a heart shaped face. My father stood right beside her with hair that was so dark it looked black and eyes to match, a worried frown creasing his face and making him look older.

"What the hell happened," My mother cried, her eyes red and puffy from crying as she gently touched my good arm, "All we got was a call that said you were shot! Shot how?! Does this have to do with your silly gang business? Damn it, Adam--"

"I really do not want to talk about it." I deadpanned, narrowing my eyes at her. She bit her lip and looked at my father, who frowned at me.

"Adam, we're your parents. We need to know what's going on." He pressed. I looked at Alexander out the corner of my eye, but he stayed a good ways back, hands clasped behind his back as he frowned at me. I looked at my parents calmly.

"Wrong place, wrong time. That's all." I responded, trying to sound casual. My mother looked doubtful, but my father knew for a fact that I wasn't going to go into detail. It was rare that we even spoke, so even calling them mom and dad made me feel uncomfortable. I preferred to use their names, Liona and Vini.

"All right," Vini said slowly, a frown still on his face before he turned to Alexander with a grateful smile, "Thank you very much for bringing our boy to the hospital, Mr. Grey." Alexander smiled warmly, shaking Vini's hand before stepping back.

"Of course. I hope Adam recovers quickly. If you'll excuse me, I have some business to attend to." He added with a nod of respect before departing. I watched him go, eyes narrowed and teeth gritted. Trying to get away from my parents and back to Julian with Alexander in the way was going to be a pain in my ass.

I could only hope Julian would keep people out of his room tonight so I could get in through. It was gonna be even worse with my arm in a sling like this.

I said nothing, though, as my parents walked me out of the hospital and to their small Ford Focus. I climbed in the back seat, sighing as I slumped against the back seat, rubbing my forehead.

"Would you like something when we get home?" Liona asked. I peered past my hand that I used to cover my face before I just closed my eyes in silence. She got her response out of that and fell silent too.

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