Sidharth: Okay. Come soon. I have to go to interview also.

The auto driver drives Sidharth to the address. Sidharth unloads the luggage and keeps inside their new home. He strolls to and fro waiting for her. Shehnaaz arrives in another auto after 45 minutes.

Sidharth: What was the hurry, we could have gone shopping together in the evening after I returned as well.

Shehnaaz: Hmm.. take this.. (she gives him a bag) open it.

Sidharth: What is it? (He opens it) This?

Shehnaaz: Formals for you. Your clothes are faded and dull. You are going for an interview. You should look presentable apart from being intelligent. This is the formal shoe and two more pair of formal shirts and pants. Some money for your travel.

Sidharth: You spent so much money on this.

Shehnaaz: Don't worry, these are necessities and not luxuries. Once you get job will manage. (Smiles) Get ready quickly before you get late.

He gives her a quick hug and runs inside the room to get dressed. He wears them and comes out.

Shehnaaz: Look Aadya! How's mumma choice?

Aadya: Shuper!! Papa you look beauty full.

Shehnaaz: Handsome! Boys look handsome and girls look beautiful.

Aadya: Papa you look Hansome.

Sidharth: Thank you! Shehnaaz, how did you know the size?

Shehnaaz: I took your clothes and checked your old shoes size while you were sleeping in the morning. (Smiles)

Sidharth: Aadya, your mumma is very very intelligent! Come on Aadya give me a good luck kiss on my cheeks, I need it badly today.

He holds Aadya and she kisses him on both the cheeks. Shehnaaz brings curd and sugar in a cup.

Aadya: What's that mumma?

Shehnaaz: Curd and Sugar sweetheart! For good luck.

She feeds a spoonful to Sidharth.

Aadya: Why curd and sugar, mumma? Why didn't you kiss papa for Goodluck?

Shehnaaz was red like a tomato due to shyness.

Shehnaaz: I.. I'll keep this cup inside. (She said with her lowered eyes)

She went into the kitchen scolding Aadya in her mind for making her feel embarrassed. Sidharth smiled and kissed Aadya. Shehnaaz came out and he passed Aadya back to Shehnaaz.

Shehnaaz: All the best. Don't be nervous, you will surely get the job.

Sidharth: Thank you!

He himself gave her a side hug and kissed her forehead before he left home with his bag.
Lady: Mr. Sidharth Srivastava, you are next.

Sidharth nods and looks at the family photo in his wallet once before entering the interview room. They were his strength and looking at Shehnaaz calmed him along with giving him motivation to face any hardship.

He answered every question with confidence based on his experience.

Interviewer: Mr. Sidharth, you have a very good knowledge and experience in this field but you turned your business bankrupt. Why do you think we should hire you?

Sidharth: I chose to turn bankrupt due to my personal loss. I had no motivation in my life but now I've worked on myself and grown stronger emotionally. Nothing can stop me now from moving ahead. If you hire me now, you will not only hire me with knowledge and expertise but also an emotionally stronger person. A person who is much more responsible and who doesn't give up.

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