To Be Loved

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Chapter 2

I sighed as I walked to my last class. The class with the new Mr. Mitchell. I walked up the steps slowly seeing how long I could prolong going to class. Once I felt in danger of being late I walked in with some other students that didn’t want to be here just as much as I did.

But they have different reasons…

I plopped down in my desk and with a loud thunk I laid my stuff on my desk. I looked up at the board and it said, “We’ll miss you Mr. Sherman!” Around it was a bunch of comments that you knew were just written by the teacher himself to make him look popular.

Mr. Sherman faced us with his hands spread flat on his desk. He spoke solemnly, “Well class as you know I am retiring but in my place is a great teacher that will take on my task as an english teacher. Please welcome and come to accept Mr. Mitchell.”

In that moment as if he was called Mr. Mitchell walked in. I heard the girls next to me suck in a breath and I tried my best not to roll my eyes. I looked at him again as he was now facing us waiting for his introduction. I had to agree that he did look like a model standing, no posing in front of the class. But he is just a flirtatious teacher, nothing more.

Mr. Sherman finally started his introduction. “This is Mr. Mitchell.  I think he will do a great job as my replacement and all I can ask is that you respect and listen to him.

Mr. Sherman stepped down and let Mr. Mitchell talk. The first thing he did though was give everyone his killer grin. His perfect complexion blinded me once again as all the girls tried not to squeal. After he had given the girls plenty of time to return their breathing to normal he spoke.

“Nice to meet all of you. I can already tell by all the smiles what a fun class this is going to be. Well please give me a chance.”

He winked and gave off his yet still killer grin. I looked around to maker sure none of the girls had had a heart attack. When I looked back up to the front Mr. Mitchell was staring right at me. He was smiling but he made sure not to draw attention to the fact that he was smiling at me.

Oh yea this class is going to be fun.

When the last bell rang I didn’t even think about the mistake I was making as I waited for everyone to pass me. The mistake was letting everyone leave and then being stuck ALONE with Mr. Mitchell. I pretended I didn’t even notice him standing a few feet away from my desk as I got up. I completely ignored him as I started walking toward the door that lead to safety.

“Hey Paige.”

I didn’t even turn as I said, “Sorry Mr. Mitchell I have to get to my part-time job.”

I got out of there as quick as possible. I never waited to hear his reply. I mean it wasn’t a total lie. I do need to go to work. I hopped in my car and turned it on. The car made a weird noise and failed to start for me. I twisted the keys again and this time with a roar of defeat the car started.

Stupid car…

Once I got to work I got dressed and went on my usual routine. At 5:30 I got to take my break. Mr. Stuart gives everyone different breaks except like today when the place is completely empty then we all take one. I picked the table that was the cleanest and sat down. I stared out the window; daydreaming.

“Uh Paige can I…sit with you?”

I turned to look at Veronica who seemed unsure of my reply. I smiled and pointed to the seat across from me.

“Of course you can! Sit down.”

Veronica’s face brightened and she eagerly sat down. I tried not to laugh at how cute she was. I cleared my throat and asked, “So how was your first day at Honor High? I didn’t see you at all, what grade are you in?”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2011 ⏰

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