Mute without intention (Larry Stylinson)

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Louis Tomlinson was a boy with few words, but many thoughts. Although he did not socialize with speech, he did have many friends. Louis did not like the topic of speech as he cannot speak right, when he tries it comes out jumbled and slurred. See louis had a rare condition, one that was never heard of. He cannot transfer what he is thinking into words, ever since he was little he talked as if he was still a child, not learned to speak yet. every now and then Louis tries to speak, and it comes out as something like "Runmtgl" as he tried to say "Hello". Louis gets frustrated with his condition as he cannot explain to people why he isn't talking without writing it down. Supply teachers ask him questions, new students say hello state there name and ask him his. All louis can do is wave and write it down, not all kids find this okay. Everyone that Louis is friends with knows about it and doesn't mind at all, they just ask yes or no questions usually or Louis has his whiteboard. Louis lives a challenging life as he cannot approach his latest crush... because his crush happens to be blind. 

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