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     Sometimes Adora wishes she'd stayed. 

In the Horde, that is. 

     Her life would've been so much simpler if she'd just stayed. But life doesn't work that way. Every day she wonders what could've been if she hadn't left. If she had just done the one thing Catra had wanted her to do, stay. She could still hear the fights, feel the stares, imagine the heartbreaking sobs of the woman she loved. 

But there was no going back. 

     Everything Adora ever wanted actually wanted her back, and she blew it. She couldn't just go back to Catra and expect the feline girl to take her back. She knew it didn't work that way. Catra was one of those people, when they break, you can't fix it. They have to fix themselves before anything else. 

But God, Adora wished she could fix her. 

If she could just walk up to her, hold her, kiss her, one last time that's ALL that she asked for. 

Maybe it'd be enough. 

     Because it killed Adora to be the reason Catra wouldn't get up in the morning. It killed her to not be able to fix her because that's what a friend (or girlfriend, in this case) is supposed to do! She should be the reason why Catra is okay, not why she's scared and upset

     Sometimes Adora wishes she'd stayed. Stayed with Catra. Stayed with the one woman who made her feel like she was worth something. The person who made her smile, who was there for her no matter what. If she'd stayed, Catra would've been okay.

The love of her life, the most amazing creature to ever exist, would finally be okay

And then finally, they could be together

But life doesn't work that way. 

SORRY THIS IS AWFUL(LY LATE)! I have never written angst before, (it's surprisingly hard) so that's why it's not that great or long. I'm sorry for not updating, but like I said, I'd rather not put deadlines on myself. That only makes me take longer. (Weird logic, I know, but my brain is dead) Thank you so much for reading! (Also a special thank you to TheGreatestUnicorn12 to voting on both Sunny Days and Flowers, as well as following me! You're literally the only person that follows me that I don't know personally. So I'm taking that a a good sign. I love you!)

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