Chapter Seventeen

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Later in the evening,my mum and grandma surprised me with a heavy evening meal. It wasn't just any meal,it was actually my favourite. I didn't have to see it to tell,I perceived the aroma from a far.

I was in my room at the moment, I felt the urge to join mum and grandma in the kitchen but they warned me not step my foot there. The aroma made me hungry and I really needed food right now, but grandma had instructed me to stay in my room until they called me.

I just felt happy and at peace, now I would go to the university of my choice. My good grades earned me a favourite meal for dinner. I opened my laptop to busy myself as I waited for my favourite evening meal.

The only thought I had now was to apply for the Golden bridge university in the city. I always dreamt to study one day in that university because It provided quality education. I also hoped to get sponsorship because the fee was huge and I didn't want to stress my mum out than she already is.

What I was sure of is that,I will be sponsored because I managed to get the grade required. I have faith in God and I believe things will work out for me. I didn't know I was lost in my thoughts untill my mum hugged me from behind.She startled me for sure, but her scent was familiar and that prevented me from screaming.

"Honey what is it? you shouldn't think too much."

"Nothing much mum, I was just thinking about the university I would join."

"Wow! Annabelle, it's too early for that darling, anyways let's go have dinner we will talk about that later."

"Okay mum, let's go already because am  starving.

We held hands as we got out of my room to join grandma in the dinning area. I couldn't wait to eat mum's and grandma's food,I bet their both combined skills in cooking is perfect.

When we got to the dinning table, grandma was setting the table.I was surprised because, they had made alot of food enough to feed the whole neighborhood and it was only the three of us.

Grandma and mummy took in my confused state.

"Don't worry sweetheart,we have two more people joining us for dinner tonight."Grandma informed me before I could even ask her.She really knew me well,my life was an open book to her.I couldn't lie to her whenever I had troubles of my own because she would definitely find out.Sometimes I feel like she's more of a mother to me than my own mother but am not complaining, I mean mum is so busy and I can't blame her.Either way, I love the both of them deeply because they are my only family.

I looked at mum and she nodded agreeing with grandma. I wondered who the visitors joining us tonight were.Anyways, I sat on my usual place by the table.Grandma and mummy joined me too, I tried exercising patience as we waited for our expected quests because the longer I waited the more hungry I became.Besides,the aroma of the food wasn't helping me at all as it sunk in my nostrils.

The three of us were still sitting by the dinning table waiting for our visitors. It was now 7:00pm, today we had to eat our dinner late than usual because grandma and mum took alot of time preparing it.We heard a knock on the door and I presumed It was the visitors grandma was talking about.As I pushed my seat backwards so I could stand up to get the door, my mum stopped me.

"Don't bother yourself Annabelle I will get it."She told me as she made her way to the door.

I sat back and composed myself ready for the visitors.Thank God I wore a presentable outfit after my bath when we got back from the market. I wondered why neither grandma or mummy never informed me earlier about the visitors coming so I could at least wear something nice.Anyways, it's not like I cared.Besides,am not a billionaires daughter to change my wardrobe every time with expensive clothes with famous logos like channel Gucci Victoria secrets excetra.

The knee length denim shirtdress I had worn and a black sweater was just okay for me.Mum greeted the visitors happily as she made the door more accessible for them to enter. I was thrilled to see Cynthia the nanny from the Johnson's residence. I quickly stood up from my seat and rushed towards her to greet her. I hugged her tightly,I was excited to see her again since my birthday.

"It's my turn now Annabelle, grandma said and that made me laugh along with Cynthia." I gave grandma access to Cynthia then I noticed the other visitor talking to mum happily. It was him, BJ my friend. I panicked but I acted up by wearing a fake smile,I didn't want mum to see the effect BJ had on me. I also didn't want BJ to see the effect he had on me.

I made my way towards them so that I could greet BJ too.When I got there, I wanted to extend my arm for hand shake but he surprised me.He hugged me tightly and guess what, in front of my mother. "I really missed you Anna,"BJ whispered in my ear.

BJ made things worse for me,he made me feeble.My heart raced at the moment and I bet he could feel my heart beat on his chest. I was at loss for words, that's when I pulled out from his embrace before anyone could notice anything then I smiled at him.

Thank God the hug wasn't that long because I couldn't breathe and I was tensed.I held BJ by the hand as I directed him towards the dinning table.Mum was the only one who had no friend at the moment but it seemed like she enjoyed grandma's and Cynthia's company.BJ sat beside me on the table,I hoped that I would be able to eat well without fear due to his presence.Moreover he is just my friend and I should keep my feelings at bay right?

After our meal, I helped mum gather the dishes on the table as Mrs Jennifer and nanny Cynthia chatted randomly about things.BJ offered to help but I told him to keep calm because he was our quest. I was really loaded because of the food, and the only thing I wanted to do was to go to bed.The chapatis beef stew and the pilau tasted sweet. It was my favourite meal and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

I left my mum in the kitchen as she did the dishes,I offered to give her hand but she insisted I should keep BJ company. I exited the kitchen quickly before she could drug me out by Force.

BJ was sitting alone on the dinning table as he scrolled through his phone.Grandma and Cynthia were sitting in the living room as they conversed between themselves. I went to sit on my chair next to BJ,he smiled mischievously when he saw me.

"Congratulations Anna, I didn't know you got brains apart from being silly."BJ said as he smirked and laughed.

I elbowed him and hit him hard on his shoulder.Of course I ended up hurting myself,"holy virgin, this boy has muscles."I frowned at BJ as I massaged my knuckles,he said sorry as he tried to suppress a laughter.

"BJ why don't you just laugh if you have to,"I said as I stick out my tongue to him.

I gave him a boring look, that's when he laughed out loud.

I tried covering his mouth with my hands,he had forgotten we weren't the only ones In the house.Thank God Cynthia and grandma didn't bother,they just smiled when they looked at us and minded their conversation.

I would have shoved this boy outside the house but it was dark and cold outside, nonetheless this was grandma's house not mine.

I looked at BJ once again,he wore a solemn face. I tried finding any emotions but his face was void of it. I wondered how he changed moods quickly."BJ what is wrong, are you okay?"

"Yes Anna am fine, can I ask you a question if you don't mind."

"Of cause BJ go ahead,"I said hoping he wouldn't ask me questions that I can't answer.

"Which University would you love to go to now."

"Well, I would love to join Golden bridge university in the city."

"Wow that's so thoughtful of you, it's a nice choice you have and wouldn't regret it."

"You think so BJ?"
"I know so Anna."BJ told me as he smiled. I loved when he smiled,his dimples were more visible and it made him more attractive,I was so in love with the dimples.

At 8:30pm, Cynthia and BJ left after saying alot of thanks for the invite to grandma and mum and congratulating me for my good grades.

There after the three of us decided to go to bed,we had prayed with BJ and Cynthia before they left. I was really excited,I told grandma and mum goodnight before I proceeded to my room.

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