chapter three

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Three weeks later, Annabelle had gotten used to the idea of being grounded.During her free time,she would draw and paint beautiful pictures of people and things that she saw through the internet on her phone.

Annabelle had also assisted  her grandma alot in doing house chores for her and cleaning the compound.She also irrigated her flowers early in the morning.Mrs Jennifer was really proud of her.

Annabelle is a teenager who needed alot of guidance at this point in her life because she was growing up.Melissa believed her grandmother was the one to guide her.Moreover,she did not want to live her daughter alone in the house when she went to work because it wasn't safe for her.

Melissa had gone back to the city to continue with her Job.She had just brought her daughter to stay with her grandma because she had just completed highschool and their was no one to look after her at home for she herself was busy.

In the Golden city where she worked and lived,life wasn't easy at all.One had to work hard in order to survive.She was even glad when Annabelle completed her highschool education because her fees was her huge buggage on her shoulders.She strived to ensure her daughter was well educated.

What kept Melissa going was her daughter,she was her motivation to fight all the odds of life.She never wanted Annabelle nor her mother Mrs Jennifer to lack anything.She ensured to save much for their sake, that is why she rented an apartment that was affordable.Sometimes,she wondered why the city went by that name when life wasn't easy at all.She found it ironical because, from the beginning she thought it offered great job opportunities and it was a life game changer.That is why she opted to go there to seek a good life.

Annabelle missed her mother alot but she understood she had to work to put food on their table.She had enjoyed staying with her grandmother these past few weeks.She also waited eagerly for the month to be over so she would be free to walk around the neighborhood.

Her grandmother had also promised to take her to the market with her when her punishment was over.Mrs Jennifer always sold pineapples and tomatoes in the market.pineapples were greatly produced and sold, that's why the place was named after it.And as for the tomatoes,she planted it in her compound.

So, Annabelle was always by herself at home.That was the moment she wished she had friends to come visit her but unfortunately she had none.And there was no way she could make one now.

She and her mom Melissa left for the city when she was only five.By that time her grandmother had no neighbours.So, she always spent time playing with her toys, painting or listening to stories her grandpa told her.

When she thought about her grandpa,she became sad.Up till now,she blamed it on death for taking her grandpa away.Although both her mom and grandma told her he went to heaven to be with God,she accepted but later found out they put it that way to calm her down.

They never found out the cause of his death,he became sick a couple of times but the doctors didn't know what the sickness was.They couldn't possibly blame it on his old age because he was sixty during his demise.And her grandma is about to be seventy and she's still healthy and strong.

Annabelle did not want to dwell much on the past,she just promised herself that she would visit his grave yard in the highland's cemetry and put fresh flowers on it.But that would be a week later after her punishment was over.

So while she waited, she kept herself busy with her paintings and the phone.

That was always her daily routine for the remainder of her punishment. Sometimes she felt like someone who was isolated from other people because  of dreadfully contagious disease.

If she wasn't painting drawing or doing house chores, she would be sleeping or browsing through the internet.

Other times, she would just be bored by everything and chose to be at the backyard watching Sam play or get lost in thoughts.

She would wish that time would fly quickly so that she will get back to her normal life.When she thought about how life would be after her punishment, she smiled because she had alot of plans.

That made her feel encourage to bear the remaining one week she had.

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