Chapter Two-A Ride Through my Thoughts

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If you could ride through my thoughts, you would feel a mixture of nothing, and pure pain. My mind is like an empty, dark jail sell with no way out. It's scary up there; all of my deepest fears live up there. I wouldn't wish for anyone to have to be stuck up there.

Every time I speak, I'm being "dramatic", but like my dad always says, "Never judge someone before you know what they've been through.". It's funny that he says that because he's the one always calling me dramatic. If only I could look him in the eye and tell him all of the things going on inside my head. If only I could scream for help and say "I'm trapped. I'm trapped and I don't know where home is..."

The Story Behind my Pain and Things to Help with Yours.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ