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They drive 20 minutes more until they get home.

C/M: ok we're here

Camila's pov

( we pull up to this big beautiful house house with hella cars parked in the front. Being TikTok famous must really pay off huh?)

End of pov

Camila: this is nioceeee

Ciera: I know right I love you guyes house

C/M: well say thank you to me

(They all laughed a little even Zaela)

Aya: well mom me, ciera, and Camila is going to go inside byee

Camila & ciera: byee

C/M: byeee love you all

Camila: love you too ma

(Camila, Aya, and ciera get out the car and walk inside while C/M drives off)

Aya: ok Camila this is our house Imma give you a house tour

Camila: Aya really? A house tour in this that's gonna take way to long

Aya: Camila comon gang it's not gonna take that long I promise

Aya: I'll just show the big things and you can find the little things on your own time

Camila: omfg fine

Aya: ok so when you first walk in this is the living room, kitchen, and dining room

Camila: dayummmmm this kitchen niceeeee

Ciera: bro I know rightttt

Aya: whatever whatever let's get to the good part let's go upstairs 😏

Aya: so when you come upstairs theirs the game room some extra rooms for guest or what not

Camila: why do w-

Aya: aht aht lemme show you me, you, and since we have so much rooms ciera's has one too

Ciera: ooo girl these rooms are my favorite part

Camila: wait cuz why am I lowkey excited

(Aya and ciera laughed)

Aya: so this is my room

Camila: this is so cute wtf. Aya you got style fr girl

Aya: Ik Ik actually you helped me pick most of this stuff out

Camila: wait fr?

Aya: yup are styles are kinda similar

Camila: if your room look like this I wonder bout mine

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