Day 1 ( Separation)

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( Zac sat on the edge of the bed watching his older brother sleep they had just finished eating some spaghetti and Tay was extremely tired he had no idea how long they had been with these people but at least he knew a couple names Chase and Ron he turned as he heard the door being unlocked and watched as Chase walked in and Tay quickly darted up at the sound of the door)

Chase: Thought I'd make sure you were alive still

Zac: How would we have died??

Chase: I don't know man but listen there's been arrangements to separate the two of you to separate rooms

Tay: WHAT!!! No Zac has to stay with me

Zac: Yea I need my brother it's kind of a sibling thing we've never been apart

Chase: Oh get over it y'all will live

( Chase said as David walked in the door)

David: Ready to play separation Chase

Chase: Where's Ron??

David: He said he wants no part in this

Chase: Whatever come little human

( She said pointing at Zac who was just staring off into space)

Tay: No he's not leaving!!!

( Taylor grabbed his brother's arm and pulled him back towards the other side of the bed )

Chase: Listen kid you will survive without your little brother so stop panicking

Tay: BUG OFF!!!! He's my brother and I said he's not leaving the room

( Taylor yelled before realizing he made a mistake when David came towards him and lifted him off by his arm and held him back while Chase took Zac and left the room)


( Taylor attempted to kick his way out of David's grasp but was met with a swift kick to the side and fell on the ground Taylor's eyes started to water as David lifted him by his shirt and set him back on the bed before leaving the room )

( Zac looked around the new room he was in it looked exactly like the one he was just in with Taylor, a million thoughts raced through his mind as he leaned up against the back of the bed like what is happening to Taylor and how Isaac and them must be feeling he could feel his head pounding but ignored it and decided to sleep)

: At the Police Station:

Olivia: Alrighty this might be one of the most important cases we've ever had

Rollins: So what exactly are we dealing with??

Cragen: So late yesterday afternoon two young boys went missing during their performance at a local fair the eleven and fourteen year old were last seen headed for the bathrooms but never made it back to the stage so when their brother and a couple others went off looking for Taylor and Zac they found nothing but Taylor's necklaces lying on the ground outside an office door and a small droplet of blood on the ground

Finn: So whoever took these boys had to have known who they were right???

Elliott: Well see that's what we want to believe but until they uncover the fingerprints from the doorknob and the boys' family gets us the threats they were sent we will never know

Olivia: The only thing we can do right now is try to keep our eyes out for any suspicious behavior and have others look too

Cragen: Alright let's get started

( He said as they all went off their separate ways)

( Taylor layed on the bed curled up in a sort of ball crying into his sleeves he had never been away from his brother so he felt as if he was having separation anxiety he had no idea what was happening to his brother he looked up as he saw Ron walk in the room but quickly hid his face again)

Ron: You ok bud??

( Ron asked pulling a chair up next to where Taylor was laying and sat down)

Tay: Leave me alone

Ron: I'm sorry they are separating you guys Chase and David have no sensitivity I said it would be a bad idea but they don't listen to me

( Ron said removing Taylor's hair from the front of his face and rubbing his back)

Tay: I just wanna go home and I want my brother to be ok

Ron: I know I promise I'll do what I can to make sure Zac is safe ok you hang in there bud. ok?

Tay: Yeaaaa...

( Ron rubbed Taylor's head before getting up and setting the chair back and then leaving Tay alone to cry himself to sleep)

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