Why Hello Boys and police

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( Taylor woke back up and looked around at the room he was sitting in on a bed he turned and looked next to him to see Zac fast asleep he looked back and observed the walls they were wooden panelled walls and it looks as if they boarded half the window )

Zac: What are you doing?

( Zac said sitting up next to Taylor who peered out the half of the window he could see)

Taylor: Just staring out the window

Zac: Why there's nothing but grass, dirt and the truck

Taylor: I don't know...

( Taylor looked back at Zac before getting startled by the sound of the door opening and seeing two people walk in one a dude and the other the girl they saw earlier)

Chase: Well nice to see you're alive I swear the two of you make mold look more alive

( Chase said taking a seat in one of the chairs against the wall while Ron sat in the other one)

Ron: So have a pleasant ride???

( Taylor and Zac just scooted to the furthest part of the bed from them and looked down at the bed)

Ron: Awww don't be scared we are very nice people

Chase: He might be but I've been known to have a bad side

( Chase got up and sat down on the opposite side of the bed and looked at Taylor right in the eyes as he lifted his head back up)

Chase: So what's your name?? And age if you know it

( Taylor just scrunched his nose at her before looking back at Zac who was now staring at her)

Chase: Oh don't be like that we just want names and ages. How about you tiny one do you talk

Zac: Yes...

Ron: Well there's some type of voice

Chase : What's your name and age teeny. And does he talk at all???

( She said pointing over to Taylor who's face was turning red)

Zac: I'm Zachary Hanson and I'm 11. And yes he does talk he just doesn't feel like talking to you I guess

Chase: Ahhh Zachary nice name now you tomato boy give some info also if ya turn any redder you will be the color of ketchup

( Tay just looked at her and back at Zac who nodded his head at Tay)

Taylor: I'm Taylor Hanson and I'm 14

Ron: And there's another name wow this stuff is easy isn't it

Chase: Oh shut up Ron the kids don't need to know you're psychotic

Ron: I am not psychotic I am trying to make the boys feel comfortable

Chase: So now you know the genders???

Ron: Well never met a girl named Zachary and the voices sound like guy voices

Chase: You need help Ron

Ron: So do you Chase so don't come at me

(Ron said turning back towards the boys who were just staring at them )

Ron: We'll bring lunch in about a half hour we have some thing to attend to understand.

( Taylor and Zac shook their heads yes as Chase and Ron walked out the room and locked the door so they couldn't leave )

: back at the stage:

Olivia: Hi I'm detective Olivia Benson of the SVU this is my partner Elliott

( Olivia said walking up to Isaac and Walker who were sitting on the bleachers)

Walker: Hello I'm Walker and this is my son Isaac

Isaac: Nice to meet you

Elliott: So I heard that you were filing missing children's reports for two of your boys

Walker: Um yes my boys Taylor and Zac are unable to be located we managed to find Taylor's necklaces outside of a small office building down a little ways but no sign of either of the boys

Olivia: When was the last time that either were seen

Isaac: They left to use the bathroom we didn't know where our security guard was so my brothers just went on their own to the bathroom

Walker: I'll leave you to talk to my son he was around when they left and he knows where the building is I have to go wait on my wife

( Walker said hopping down from the bleachers and heading towards the front gates of the fairgrounds)

Elliott: So how old are your brothers?? And any suspicion on who might have taken them?

Isaac: Taylor is 14 and Zac is 11 and no I don't think so

Olivia: Have you been in a situation like this before at all or have anything that could help us

Isaac: We did receive some kidnapping threats but they are buried away back at our house in Tulsa OK

Elliott: Is there any way you could get copies of those letters to us or no

Isaac: I'll see what we can do maybe we can drive home and get them. But please work on trying to find my brothers. They may be smart and very protective of each other but they are not exactly the most equipped to fight someone.

Olivia: Sounds great and yes we will work very hard to locate Taylor and Zac do you happen to have a photo we can use just to know what they look like

Isaac: Yes of course

( Isaac walked over to a stand and picked up a photo from a shoot they did and handed it to them showing the smiling faces of two young boys)

Olivia: Thank you so much Isaac

Isaac: Your welcome

Elliott: Any chance you could show us the building where the necklaces were found

Isaac: Of course

( He said as they walked down towards the office building)

AN: The photo Isaac gave them is the photo I used for this chapter

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